Saturday, June 29, 2019

13th Sunday-C

13th Sunday in ordinary time-C 
Good morning everyone, I am happy to welcome you all for today’s holy Mass. 
About a month ago, like any other Catholic, I was minding my own business. That’s we Catholics do, we mind our own business and went to Timhortons for coffee and by the way, if you don’t like coffee, you can never be a good Catholic and the lady said to me, “Hi honey”. I wasn’t happy at all and I looked at her and said, “Please, don’t call me honey. I don’t like to be called honey, Just, call me sweetie and she said, ‘Thank you Father and I will and every time, she comes to church, she calls me sweetie. I said, “Please, don’t tell your husband”. And she said, “I will pray for you”. I said, “Don’t pray for me. Just leave me alone and give me your money and go home”. 
Dear friends in Christ Jesus,  
Jesus loves you all with His unconditional love and unlimited forgiveness and He will never abandon you in any way. Even if you don’t ask Him for anything, He will fulfill all your needs. He is full of compassion, kindness and love”. 
We meet with different kinds of connections and relations today. The generosity of body and soul connects husband and wife together. The generosity of soul and heart connects friends together. The generosity of heart and mind connects people and business but above all, the generosity of body, soul, heat and mind connects us with God almighty. And that’s why once Christ our Lord said, “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, mind, body and soul”. 

We can’t can experience divine by loving Him with only our mind or with only our soul or only with our soul or body. We have to put them all together and thus we will experience and see the presence of God. 
In today’s gospel, we meet with three different people and how they struggle to love the Lord our God. One man coming to Christ and says, “I will follow you wherever you go...” And our Lord Jesus Christ knows that his heart is not there and thus He asks him to look deeply into himself and the other man says, “Let me bury my Father first and then I will come and follow you” And Christ our Lord knows that His mind is not there and there is the last man says, “I am going to say goodbye to my daddy and mommy and then I will come and follow you” and Christ our Lord knows that there is no soul connection in his saying. 
If we do not put our heart, mind, body and soul to Love the Lord our God, we will not find Him, and we will constantly look for Him somewhere in the space. But He is all along sitting with us wanting to be experienced in our everyday life. So, let us love Him and follow Him. God bless. 

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