Wednesday, July 3, 2019

14th sunday-c

14th Sunday-C 

Good morning everyone, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass.  
Once a man announced saying, “If anyone swims across my swimming pool which is filled with sharks and alligators, I will give you anything you want, even half of my property”. Then a man just jumped in the water and began to swim as fast as he could, avoiding all those man-eating sharks and alligators and reached the other side safe. Everyone began to clap hands for him. The rich man came to him and said, ‘You are the bravest man I have ever seen and now ask for anything and I will give it to you”. The man looked at him and said, “Before I ask for anything, I want to know who pushed me in the water”.  
Dear friends in Christ Jesus,  
Jesus is the Lord and God and He planted us in His field. He looks after us with love and care and He let us grow and multiply. He is our source and He is our life. It’s only because of Him, we find happiness and joy and it’s only because of Him, we grow and multiply as hundred and thousand-fold. When we are with Him, we become the light that shines before others. 
In today’s gospel, Christ our Lord says that the harvest is plentiful, and the laborers are few and therefore, let us pray to the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into His harvest.  
  1. There was a time, people didn’t have not access to the Holy Bible and today we are so blessed to have the bible at home and other places. 
  1.  There was a time, people did not have churches at their hometown, and they had to walk kilometers to find a church and today we are so blessed to have churches closer by. 
  1. There was a time, people were afraid and were criticized to be Catholic and so on and today we can be so proud to be catholic and practice our faith. 
Church is growing in many parts of the world and people are more and more realizing their spiritual nature and want to know the divine power in their lives. We see how the harvest is so plentiful and it's still growing. It’s because Christ is the sower and He is the source and life.  
Harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few and therefore, we are asked to pray for the Lord of the harvest, to send more laborers into His harvest. 
The question is who are the laborers today? 
Are the priests, religious? 
Or the people who practice their faith? 
Or everyone who believes in Christ? 
Yes, the Laborer is anyone who believes in Christ. 
Once as a man was retiring from his job, his boss said, “you know what you are a great constructor and all the houses you built are so strong and amazing. People love your skills and the proper material you used to build houses. Now I am sorry to see you going and please...please before you go, build me one more house. The man wasn’t happy at all. But, anyhow, he accepted to build one. He didn’t spend good amount of time or good material or putting his skills. He built it with cheap material and then gave the key to the boss saying, “Here is the key and just let me go”. The boss thanked him and gave the key back to the man and said, “you know what I want to give this house to you as an appreciation of all your hard work. The house is yours”. 

We are all given so many talents, skills and strength to bring the good news to others and especially to our family members. Are we using all our skills and potential to make the kingdom of God alive? If we are, then let’s thank Him. If not, let us ask Him to give more strength to promote the kingdom of God. At the end, yes, at the end, the house will be ours. What we sow and that’s all we have to reap. So, let us build His house using all our skills, potentials and strength. Amen. 

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