Good evening/morning everyone,
Sometimes...sometimes it seems that animals are better people. They behave well and good. Have you ever heard about an animal watching pornography or beating up their spouses? Have you ever heard about an animal abusing children or blaming each and everything on their parents? Yes, sometimes...sometimes it seems that animals are better people.
Provided all the human weaknesses and frailties, God is so good to us. He looks after us twenty-four seven and He loves us unconditionally and forgives all our sins. When people went away from Him, He didn’t go away from us and thus sent His Only Son our Lord Jesus Christ who slowly, yes slowly let us to the mystery of the Holy Eucharist. Holy Eucharist, which is the source and summit of our faith, is the life-giving source.
When Christ our Lord said, ‘Ego sum panis Vivante”...namely I am the living bread that comes down from heaven and anyone who eats the flesh of the Son of Man will live forever, many of His followers said to each other, “This is very difficult teaching and who can follow it”? Thus, they went away from Him.
Christ promises us everlasting life.
Sometimes...or most of the time or all the time, we are amazed at the vast ocean thinking the greatness of God almighty. And that God through His only Son our Lord Jesus Christ, established this wonderful Catholic Church. And as you go to the ocean to draw water, it doesn’t depend on the ocean but depend on us. According to the size of the container only we can get the water. If you have a glass and that is the amount of water you are going to get and if you have a container of ten thousand gallons, and you will still get the water. The ocean is vast, and you can draw as much as you want. Yes, the Catholic church is so big, and you can benefit so much from it. But it all depends on you.
When Christ our Lord said, “Ego sum panis vitae”, namely I am the bread of life, His disciples stayed behind and thus began to experience spiritual strength.
When Mother Teresa was asked where she got all the strength to serve the poor and the needy tirelessly, she said, “I spend every day an hour before the blessed sacrament”. The Holy Eucharist is the power house and anyone who sincerely prepare themselves and receives it, will experience more life on earth.
During this great feast, we talk about the Holy Eucharist as source and summit of our faith, we talk about transubstantiation and we talk about prosperous earthly life and unending life after death and so on and still our churches are empty. It’s because, our human nature.
What we think, feel and talk about people or anything directly affect others. As we talk bad about the parishioners, about the church, priests, bishops and Pope, they directly affect your others. Who wants to go to a bad place? We made church as a bad place. We created church as a place where we should not go.
So, the enemies of the church are not the Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or others only those who come to church and talk bad about it.
So, as we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, let us honestly think about the Eucharistic miracles that happen every day. Yes, we are the Eucharistic miracle that happens and brings life to those who are lifeless. Amen.
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