Tuesday, July 30, 2019

year C-18

18th Sunday in ordinary time-C 
Two weeks ago, I visited a wonderful woman whose husband passed away recently and she said that she collected all the coins that he left in the basement and took to the bank. There were about 19,00 dollars and I got so excited and came home and counted all the change that I had and called her and said, “I counted all the coins that I had and want to hear how much I have?” then I said, “I have $3. 35 cents included my Canadian tire money too”. 
Friends in Christ Jesus, 
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no one can go to the Father except through Him. He fulfills all our needs and leads us to paradise. As we hold on to Him, He makes us prosperous on earth and rich in heaven. He is our ultimate end. 
There is a beautiful story about a man who goes to a guru and says, “Last night I had a dream in which I was told to come to you to get the stone”. “What stone?’ The guru asked himself and then said, “Oh the one I picked up on the way here and then he gave the big diamond stone to him. The man was so happy but that night he tossed about in bed unable to sleep. The very next day, he came to the guru and returning, the stone and said, “Give me that riches that makes it possible for you to give away the diamond” 
Vanity of vanity all is vanity. If a person works day and night and accumulates so much riches and not enjoys, then vanity of vanity, all is vanity. If a person puts all his energy, time and resources such as their wisdom and knowledge to gain so much things but not enjoying, then that also becomes vanity. 
What is the meaning of life then? At the age of seven, I asked the question, “What is the meaning of life?” Then my mom gave me candy and I was fine. 
Yes, what is the point of life? A person goes to school and gains all his knowledge and wisdom and he gets a good job and makes good money. He gets married and has children, house, bank account and thus as he thinks that he has settled in life, cancer hits and if he is given only three months to life and then what is the point of life? 
In today’s gospel, the man accumulates everything in his huge storage place and then as he is relaxed, says to himself, “Now, you have ample goods to enjoy life, so, relax, be happy”. But God says to him, “You fool, this very night, your soul is demanded of you and then the things you prepared for yourself, whose will they be? 
What is the point of life then? 
  1. There is a point of life. The rich point of life is to know that you are not human beings having spiritual experiences but rather you are spiritual beings having human experiences. We are blessed with material things to know that we are not alone, but God is with us.  
  1. There is a point of life. The rich point of life is to know that this is not our permanent home and we are from heaven and we have to return home one day and until then we should know how to use wisely all our wisdom, knowledge, understanding and resources to prepare ourselves to go home. 
  1. There is a point of life. The rich point of life is to live everyday as though this were our last day on earth. Yes, enjoying every minute of the day in the presence of God, others and ourselves is the best preparation to go to heaven. 
Everything is given to us not to forget about heaven but bring heaven on earth that means bring the goodness of God and finding the richness of Christ in every living being. When we live life so completely in the presence of God then when death comes to you like a thief in the night, there is nothing left for him to steal. Amen. 

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