Wednesday, June 2, 2010

holy trinity


Today we celebrate Holy Trinity Sunday. We celebrate our faith in One God who is the Father, the Son and also the Holy Spirit. They are not three gods but Only One God. The Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God but there are not three gods but One God. The mystery of the Holy Trinity invites us to deepen our faith in Him God Almighty.
One day a group of people came to St. Cryl and asked him to enlighten their minds regarding the Holy Trinity and the saint told them that it is like the bright Sun. The Father is like the blazing sun and Jesus Christ is like the light and the Holy Spirit is like the heat of the Sun. They all interdependent on each other. We can’t separate from one another.
When people asked St. Patrick to explain the Trinity, he used the shamrock and explained the trinity. And there were many saints and holy men and women experienced the mystery of the Holy Trinity on earth. We are all given the blessing to know the secret of the mystery. As we make the sign of the Cross saying in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we are already entered into the mystery. We are part of the trinity.
We are not here to know how God could be three persons and he is still one. We are here to experience his love and kindness through our daily prayer and thus we will automatically be revealed the secret of the trinity. There are so many things on earth that are mysterious to us and we don’t understand their nature and their wonderful expression and we still manage to accept and live with them.
Once a missionary was hearing confession from a particular school and all children from one class room came up with the same sin saying, ‘I threw peanuts into the river, I threw peanuts into the river’ the priest said, ‘it is not a sin but it can be a bad thing but anyhow you are feeding the fish’ then when the last boy came to confession, the priest said, “don’t tell me that you threw peanuts into the river and it is not a sin’. The body said, “sorry, Father, I am peanuts”.
We don’t understand certain things but we should accept them and enjoy them. Once we accept as they are, we will be revealed their mystery. The holy trinity is not to be questioned but adored and venerated.
The traditional story of St. Augustine says how our human mind is limited and it is beyond our comprehension to understand certain things. Let us adore the One God who is the creator, protector and the sanctifier. Amen.

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