Wednesday, June 2, 2010



Today the Church celebrates the feast of Corpus Christi or the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the gospels, Jesus says that unless we eat His body and drink His blood, we can’t enter into the kingdom of God. He invites us to be with Him in heaven for ever.
Once God wanted to see what was the pressing needs of His people, so He sent His angels to find out. After some days, they all came back with one demand. They all said that people are in need of food. So God sent His only Son who became food for all. Yes, Jesus nourishes us with His words and heals us with His miracles. Anyone who goes to Him will have life everlasting.
Every time, we come to celebrate the Holy Mass, we celebrate the last supper of our Lord Jesus Christ. And when we receive the body of Christ on our right palm, we touch the real Jesus; we touch Him like the woman who was bleeding for twelve years and when she touched His cloak, she said to herself, “even if I touch His cloak, I will be healed” and she did experience healing. Yes, every time we receive the Holy Communion, we experience healing. We experience peace and serenity.
When we hear the word,, “This is the body of Christ” and respond “Amen”, we come to experience extraordinary healing like the deaf and dumb man in the gospels. When he came in contact with Christ, he immediately experienced healing. By saying the word “Amen” we profess our faith and accept Christ as our lord and saviour. Jesus Christ is our healer and saviour. He gives us life and light. Anyone who follows Him will have light of life.
And when we hold the body of Christ on our palm, we have an experience of healing of the blind. Yes, when Jesus touched the blind people, they immediately began to see everything clearly and followed the Lord. And when we hold the body of Christ, we experience our blindness of selfishness, greed, anger and other negative feelings being healed.
The celebration of Corpus Christi invites us to experience healing in the real presence of Christ among us. Let us on this feast of Corpus Christi recommit ourselves to Him. Amen.

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