Friday, June 18, 2010

Funeral homily

Funeral homily
Facing with death, life might seem meaningless. But our faith in Jesus Christ tells us that despite death, life is not meaningless. After our baptism in the name of the Trinity, we all became precious children of God. And thus we left behind our old selves of sin and became a new creation in Christ. Jesus who by dying on the Cross destroyed our death and by rising restored our life gives us life everlasting. When we live in Christ, we will live forever. Nothing can separate us from Christ. Every time we enter into Church, we by touching the holy water, bless ourselves. The holy water serves as a reminder of our baptism in which our death was destroyed and new everlasting life was given.Every time we come to Church for the celebration of the sacrament, we are again and again invited to recall our eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus says that anyone who follows and keeps His commandments will have life everlasting. He will not abandon His followers but will keep them with Him. That is why in today's gospel, He says to His disciples that He is going away to prepare a place for them so that where He is, they may also be.And one of His disciples, St. Thomas innocently asks Him, "Lord, how can we know where you are going. Please show us the way?"Jesus says to him and all His followers that He is the way, the truth and the life and anyone who follows Him, will have life everlasting.Today we are here to celebrate the life and death of our sister Anna; we are here to celebrate her everlasting life. Anna was married to Joe for thirty-seven years. they together experienced the love and kindness of God. Anna found God's love in her married life. she shared everything with her loving husband, they were for each other and thus she witnessed the wonders and amazing things of her life to all.Anna was a great inspiration for her two children Anthony and Lena. Because of her positive influence and faith in God, she inspired them to grow stronger in faith and in the love of God.Anna was a great grandmother to her grandchildren. she was so wonderful with them. she always had a huge smile on her face and that smile enkindled the love of Jesus in her friends.she had so many friends who were inspired by her loving and kind words. because of her faith, even she was told that she would live only for three monthes, she lived over a year.
Today our sister is with God seeing him face to face. she is celebrating her life everlasting. all the things in Church today remind us of her eternal life. this white pal tells us that those who believe in Christ will never die and the paschal candle says that Christ who died came back to life and anyone who believe in him will have eternal life. And all the rituals and celebration invite us to thank God for Anna and her life with us. she died for us but she is now living with God from whom she came here. Anna's death gives us a new hope to prepare ourselves to enter into heaven. so let us thank God for Anna and pray for ourselves that one day we may join our sister Anna to praise and glorify God our father. Amen.

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