Monday, November 10, 2014

St.John lateran

Lateran Basilica
Good morning every one, today the Holy Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the dedication of St. John Lateran basilica, the mother of all churches, the cathedral of the Pope. So to prepare ourselves to celebrate these sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our sins and ask God’ blessing and forgiveness.
1. Once a man came across three masons who were cutting large stones. When the man asked the first mason what he was doing, he said, “I am hammering this stupid rock, I can not wait till 5 when I can go home”. When he asked the second mason who looked a little more interested of what he was doing, said, “I am cutting and shaping these stones. It is not a bad work, but I will be sure be glad when it’s done” The third mason who was hammering the rock looked so interested of what he was doing. He looked so satisfied and the man looked at the third mason and asked what he was doing. He said, “I am building a temple!” I am so happy that one day people will come to this temple to praise and worship God. I am so glad to do this job.
“Three men, three different attitudes, all doing the same job.”2. In today’s gospel, Jesus our Lord the Only Son of God who taught us to call God Father says, “stop making my Father’s house a market place...” thus He was chasing away the people who selling and buying things. Then the people said to Him, “what sign can you show us for doing this?” Jesus answered them, “destroy the temple, and in three days I will raise it up”. Jesus was speaking of the temple of His body.
3. Human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
A. What is body according to Christian term?
The time came, when the Lord God formed a man's body. He made it from the dust of the ground. Then he breathed into it the breath of life. And man became a living person....
And that is why every time we celebrate a final service at the cemetery, we say, “you are dust and unto dust you shall return”. And God breathed the breath of life into the human body. Thus the body carries the breath of life namely the image and likeness of God our Father. So human body itself becomes holy and it is the temple.
B. It’s the temple
In the time of Jesus, every Jewish male was expected to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem temple for the Passover festival every year. There they were sacrificing animals and other things to please God forgetting that obedience is better than sacrifice.
According to the Bible, where is the temple located today? It’s not in Jerusalem. It’s our own body. As we know, temple is a holy place where God resides. And in the temple, prayers and offering should be done. As we look at our body as the holy temple of God, our way of approaching ourselves and others will change. we will have more respect and love for our body.
C. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit 
St. Paul calls that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It’s because our body since it has the breath of God keeps producing the fruits of the holy spirit such as love and kindness; knowledge and wisdom; understanding and good will.

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