Five Talents-33rd Sunday
There is a beautiful story about Blessed Mother Theresa. What happened was, once she went to Ireland and she gave a spiritual talk in the cathedral in Dublin. She spoke simple of love for the poorest of the poor and of love for Christ through them. Then the very next day, a man called a priest and said, “Father, I would like to get back in Church”. The priest who tried his best to bring back people to church asked him, “What made you to decide to come back to church”. The man said, “last night Mother Teresa spoke to me”. What do you mean. There was about ten thousand people last night in church and what do you mean she spoke to you?’ I know her words were meant to me and me alone. What did she say, “she said God bless you”.
I have been saying these words thousands of time every day and I could not convince you. But father, she said it from the bottom of her heart”.
When mother began her mission work, she said, my hand is Christ’s hand, my smile is Christ’s smile and my life is Christ’s life. She thus became one in Christ.
Today’s parable is one of the most powerful parables in the gospel. It’s about every one of us. As the master goes away to a distant country, he put his servants in charge of his property. He gives them his talents according to their ability and capacity so that as he comes back, they could return to him with interest. The person who received five talents returns them to the master with five more talents. The master is proud of him and saying, “ you good and trustworthy slave. you have been trustworthy in a few things and I will put you in charge of many things. Then He says “enter into the joy of your master”.
Talents could be money or gifts. But today I would like to invite you all to reflect upon the five talents that are given to us all and the five talents were awakened in us on the day of baptism. I would like to look at the five talents as your five senses namely seeing, hearing. tasting. touching and smelling. On the day of baptism, these five senses were awakened. we became new creatures namely children of God. we were given a special gift to see divine things around, hear divine words and touch and smell and taste the goodness of the Lord.
Our body and soul begin to change because of these five senses. As we invest more and more our five senses into spiritual matters, we become another Christ more kind and compassionate; we become more loving and forgiving; we begin to look at life, living and death with our heightened spiritual awareness.
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