8th Ordinary Sunday in A
We serve God only
There is a saying, “When the disciple is ready, the master will appear”. Our Master Jesus Christ today appears among us calling to serve only God. In today’s gospel Jesus says that we can not serve two masters. We may love one and hate the other and we may please one and despise the other. Yes, we can not serve both God and money. After meditating on this gospel passage, St. Augustine says that we can not serve both God and evil or demon. We should denounce evil and surrender ourselves to God alone.
Once a woman said to her husband, “O I went to the store and I could not resist and I bought this beautiful dress of $ 700 dollars. When I put it on, the devil whispered into my ear, “This looks so fabulous on you”. The husband looked at her and said, “Why did you not tell the devil, “get behind me Satan”?
The woman said, “Yes, I did say and he said, “The dressed looked so beautiful from the back too”.
Our Lord said to devil, “ No” and served only God and invites His followers and all to serve God. Yes, God means life, love and happiness. We are called to serve life not death, we are called to serve God and enter into the kingdom of god.
When we serve god, then we will never be worried about anything in life because we know that God is with us. And that is why Jesus says “do not worry what to eat, how to dress because your life is more than food and your body is more than clothing.
Once we know the importance of life, everything else will become less important.
Once a prisoner who lived in a solitary confinement for many years, who never saw or spoke to anyone because his meals were given through an opening in the wall, saw a tiny ant in his cell, then he began to contemplate how it walked around his cell. He held it in the palm of his hand and fed the ant with one or two grain and kept it under his tin cup at night.
One day he suddenly realized that it had taken him ten years of solitary confinement to open his eyes to the loveliness of an ant.
Yes, for some it may take ten, others twenty years and for some others even longer to realize that life is more than food, body is more than clothing but those who serve God only, will know the important of life and living right away because they will be given enough knowledge and wisdom.
People who do not trust and believe in God is always worried about today and tomorrow. Some people always worry about something. When I was a child, my mom was so worried about my health, when I went to school, I was worried about my look, when I got my job, I was worried about my boss and when I got married, I was worried about pleasing my spouse and now I am a grandma, I am worried about my grand children.
Once a man met with death and he asked what you are doing in town. Death said I am going to take 100 people. It is horrible and death said, that is what I do. And he ran to the town to spread the news and that evening he saw the news paper saying 1000 people died. Then again when he met with death, he asked, you said only 100 people and how come 1000 people died. Death responded I took only 100 people and worry took others.
People who believe and serve God will never be worried of anything because they know that they are much more important than all other living creatures and God created them in His own image and likeness. Yes, God created us in a special way not to be worried but put our whole trust in god and live our life every day. Amen.
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