Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Let your righeousness exceeds

Let your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees and the scribes

Dear friends in Jesus Christ, in today’s gospel Jesus tell us that our righteousness should exceed that of the Pharisees and the scribes. Yes, our faith, hope and charity should tell the world that we belong to Christ our Lord. Our generosity and helping others should proclaim to the world that we are followers of the Lord.

One day a man was telling his story of how he was lost in a desert. His friend asked, “what did you do then?’

The man said, “I knelt before God and cried saying, “God come and save me?”

His friend asked, “Did God come and save me?”

The man answered, “No. Before God, there came an explorer and saved me”.

There are so many people do not even realize the presence of God among them. God still continues His miracles and wonders and is constantly letting us know that He is with us. When we call on Him, there He answers us with love and kindness. The coming of Christ our Lord shows how much God loved and still loves us.

In the time of Jesus, the Pharisees and the scribes were considered godly people because they were priests, religious lawmakers and interpreters of the Holy Bible. They taught people how to pray and worship God and they were pious and good. Though many were not keeping what they were teaching, they appeared to be good and Jesus our Lord asked His followers to do better than those Pharisees and the scribes namely keeping God in their lives.

1. Jesus says when you offer your gift at the altar and if you remember your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift before the altar and go, first be reconciled to them and then come and offers your gift.

One day Abraham our Father of faith invited a stranger to his tent for a meal. While they were eating, the stranger began to curse God; he never stopped blaming God for everything that was happening in the world. And Abraham who was so faithful and obeyed the will of God got so mad and chased the stranger away in the cold weather. Then that night God appeared to Abraham and said, “That man cursed and accused me of everything but I still I fed him and looked after him. Could you not put up with him for a single meal?’”

When we accept our brothers and sisters as they are and do good for them, Jesus says that our offering in the church will be accepted and there will be a celebration over that in heaven. God loves those who love and accept others.

2. Jesus says, “Do not commit adultery”. It is an invitation to love and understanding. When love and mutual understanding lack in a family, there happens separation and divorce and all other relationship challenges. Man and woman are created to continue God’s divine love in the world. The husband and wife have a big responsibility of keeping this world as divine abode.

Once some friends met with their friends who was forty and was single. They asked him, “Look at us. We all got married and have children and you are forty and how come you did not get married yet?’ He said, “I was looking for a perfect woman. And I did find a woman who was so smart and good but not a beautiful one and then I did find a woman who was so beautiful and gorgeous but not smart and then I finally found a smart and beautiful good and gorgeous woman. Yes, I at last found a perfect woman. His friends asked, “Then how come you did not marry her. He said because she was looking for a perfect man.

Man and woman have to celebrate life and know how much God almighty blesses them. God chose them in a special way to represent His love and kindness in the world.

3. And then our Lord says that we have to reflect Him in each and everything that we do. By seeing us, people have to come to know Christ. St. Iraneus says Glory of God is the living man. A man who lives according to the law of the Lord brings glory and honor to God almighty.

Once a public sinner was excommunicated and was forbidden to enter into the Church. He then prayed to God saying, ‘God they do not let me in because I am a sinner” then God answered saying, “what are you complaining my son, said God, “they do not let me in either”.

Conclusion: let us find God in everything we do and say and thus exceed the righteousness of those Pharisees and the scribes. Amen.

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