Friday, May 21, 2010



One day the most famous theologian Thomas Aquinas
suddenly stopped writing. And his assistant came to him
and asked why. St. Thomas Aquinas said, "Some months
ago, I experienced something of the Almighty, and so all I
have ever written about God seems to me like nothing".
Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. This day invites us
to experience the God in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.
Pentecost means fiftieth day. Fifty days after the
Resurrection, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit as
tongues of fire on the Apostles and on all who believed in
the risen Christ.

1. Once a little boy was praying to God beside his mother
and grandmother. He said, "God.. thank you for everything
and please give me a good night sleep. Then he screamed
saying, "don't forget me to give a bike for my birthday".The mother said, "Don't scream. God is not deaf"Then the body said, "I know mother. But our grandma is
Today we celebrate the birth day of the Church. After his
resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and instructed
them for 40 days, after which he ascended to heaven. While
with them, he said: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for
the gift my Father promised. For John baptized with water,
but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit"
(Acts 1:4-5). That first baptism of the Spirit would be the
birthday of the church.
Jesus’ words were fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. The
disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4), and the
apostle Peter preached his first sermon, urging the crowds
to repent, to believe in Jesus Christ as their Messiah and to
receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (verse 38). That very day
of Pentecost some 3,000 people were baptized and became
the people of God (verse 41). The church had been born.

2. Once Mother Teresa was asked by a visitor, "Mother.. by
the way was not hard to learn the language of these people
whom you are serving?"Mother Teresa said, "No... not at all. we communicate with
our heart, with our smile and with our faith"
When the Holy Spirit came upon them, the Apostles began
to speak in many languages. Everyone understood them
perfectly. They communicated with them the purpose of
God sending His only Son. Thus they all experienced
healing and wonder of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Once a teacher asked her children to name the gift they possess from the Holy Spirit.everybody discovered their gifts except one boy. The teacher asked him, "John, don't you have any gift?"He said, "I am not going to be worried about it right now because I have enough patience".
we are all blessed with many gifts from the Holy Spirit. And when we use them, they will actually multiply. Any gift from the Holy Spirit is given to us to use for the welfare of our brothers and sisters in need. So as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, let us ask the Holy Spirit to reconfirm us with his love and kindness. Amen.

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