Wednesday, March 13, 2019

second sunday in Lent-


Good evening/morning everyone, welcome to celebrate the second Sunday in Lent.  
Once a huge clay statue of Jesus was moved from one place to another. As people were moving that clay statue, there happened a little crack, a little break in the clay. People got so upset because that statue has been there for hundreds of years. Then people noticed a little bright light reflection through the crack. They were so curious and began to slowly remove the clay and thus they found out that that wasn’t a clay statue of Jesus at all. That was a golden statue of Jesus covered with clay. 
Dear friends in Christ Jesus, today we celebrate the second Sunday in Lent. Today we meet with Christ our Lord going up to a mountain with three of His wonderful disciples and there on the mountain, He was praying to God the Father. As He was praying, there happened the transfiguration. Yes, His cloths began to be like dazzling white and His face was shining like the sun. Everything happened because of His prayer.  
Because of His prayers, the clay of human nature vanishes, and the golden Jesus comes out, shining like the Sun.  
After every time, Christ our Lord was with the Father in prayer, something magical, unimaginable things happened. After being alone with the Father, Christ our Lord began to walk on water; after spending time with the Father in prayer, Christ taught His disciple about how to call the Father saying our Father prayer. After spending forty days and forty nights in prayer, Christ faced the tempter saying to Him, “One does not live on bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God”. As the devil asked him to jump from the pinnacle of the temple saying, “The Scripture says your Father will send angles to hold you up and your foot will not dash against anything”. Jesus said, “Do not test the Lord your God”. Then Jesus said, “I am here to serve the Lord our God....”  
Prayer has an enormous power and our Lord and Master set an example and showed how we can easily relate with the Father. As we pray to God without ceasing, the mud or the clay that covered us, will begin to peel off, the golden nature of our humanity will shine. We will be transformed into new spiritual beings. 
They say that the Muslims pray five times a day. The Hindus pray three times a day and the Buddhist and others pray as often as they could and what about we who follow our Lord Jesus Christ?  
We can make our whole life a prayer. Yes, as we stay with Christ, our whole life becomes a prayer. The three disciples who were with Christ witnessed great things happening to Christ and to the surroundings. They saw Moses and Elijah talking with Christ and they saw a cloud overshadowing and from the cloud a voice came saying, “This is my son, my beloved and listen to Him”. 

Prayer changes everything. The clay of human nature that covered us will be removed and the divine golden nature will begin to shine through us. 
So let us shine before others and make this Lenten journey a meaningful one. God bless 

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