Thursday, August 30, 2018


Wedding homily 
Good afternoon everyone, on behalf of St. John the Baptist Church, we are so happy to welcome Paige, Phillipe who are going to unite themselves in the Sacrament of holy Matrimony and their family members, relatives, friends and everyone here today.  
Today two most wonderful events will take place here. God will come to us and giving Himself to us in the Sacred Scripture and in the Holy Eucharist and secondly Phillip and Paige will make a sacred vow to give themselves to each other for the rest of their lives. So, in a special way, let us pray for them. 
Once some men met with their friend and said, “You are almost forty and how come you are not married yet?” The man said, “It’s because I haven’t found a perfect woman yet”. Once I met with a gorgeous woman, but she wasn’t smart and then I met with an amazing and sharp woman, but she wasn’t beautiful. Then finally I met with a beautiful, smart and perfect woman...” Then his friends said and how come you didn’t marry her. The man said, “It’s because she was also looking for a perfect man”. 
Marriage is not about finding a perfect person. It's about two people who love each other with their limitations and conditions; with their ups and downs and say, “Yes” to each other. They say, “Yes” to help each other in their good times and in bad and in their sickness and health. 
As they say “Yes” in the presence of God in Christ Jesus, they know and believe that they will never be alone, but Christ will be with them. 
Marriage is a sacrament and it means they say yes to each other until they depart from this world and the secret to a great, happy-filled, wonderful marriage is keeping Christ. As you keep Christ at the center of your marriage, your marriage will never fail. You will see great things happen to you both. God bless. 

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