Thursday, June 28, 2018

13th Sunday-B

Good evening/ morning everyone. Once some people asked me, "Since you come from India, could you do anything Indian?" I said, "why not? Of course. Do you have a phone? And they asked me, "why?" And I said, "I would like to make you telemarketing calls".  
Once some people decided to do something big for their boss and they presented him a gift and even before opening it, the boss looked at the bottom of the box and saw a little wet and he touched it with his fingers and tasted and thanked them saying, "The wine tastes good and what kind of wine is this?" They said, "No, it is not wine at all and he again tasted it putting all his fingers into the wet spot and pressed them and said, "it's scotch... is it scotch, and it tastes good" They said, "no". He said, 'What is it then?' They looked at him and said, "It's a puppy". 
Dear friends in Christ Jesus, God loved the world so, so much and He sent His only Son into the world. Anyone who believes in Him, will not perish but have life that will never end. When we believe in Christ the Alpha and Omega of our life, the beginning and end of all, our life will be so different. We will not be afraid of anything, not even death. 
Christ as He entered the synagogue of Nazareth, the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to Him. He opened the scroll and began to read saying, 'The spirit of the Lord is upon me. He sent me to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, make the lamb walk and raise the dead to life". When the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him, what did he say? He said, 'Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing". 
We who come to church, receive all the church's sacraments and put our faith into practice know that Christ continues His miracles and wonders in and through us. Nothing is impossible with our loving Christ our Lord. 
Once a son woke his dad up saying, "Dad, how come you are still sleeping? The boat is going to sink. And the dad said, "Son, I am not going to be afraid, God is our Father and He will help us". The son began to laugh and said, "Dad, do you believe in God that much" And then the dad took a knife and put it in his son's throat threatening to kill him, but the son did not react at all. Then the dad looked at him and said, "Son, why are you not afraid that I am going to kill you?" The son said, "you are my dad and I know you love me so much and you are not going to kill me...' 
Then the dad said, "Son, God is our Father, the one who made us in His own image and likeness and the one who sent us for a reason. When we believe in Him, He will never let us die". 
In today's gospel, we see how a powerful synagogue leader Jairus comes to Christ saying, "My daughter is at the point of death, come and help me. The gospel says that the leader was repeatedly begging Christ for help. As we put our complete trust in the Lord and ask Him, He will never say "No" to us. That is our Lord Jesus Christ.  
As our Lord Jesus Christ went to the leader's house, the daughter was already dead. There were people wailing and weeping and Jesus who came to raise the dead to life said, 'your child is not dead and then He took her by hand and said, "Talitha cum", means little child, get up.  
Friends in Christ Jesus, every time we give up thinking to ourselves that we cannot go on, and every time we say to ourselves, oh this sickness is not going to go away from me and it's my end and every time we say to ourselves it is over, we hear Christ saying to us..."Talitha cum", child, get up. Yes, when Christ is with us, who can be against us, so instead of looking at Christ saying, "Jesus, I have a big problem... let us look at our problem and say, "I have a big God". Amen. 


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