Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Mother's day

I am basically a shy person, but I am a different person at the Altar and that is why I will call that this is my alter ego. 
Once three men decided to do something grant to their mother on Mother's Day. The first son bought a beautiful big house for her and the second one bought a very expensive Lamborghini and the third son spent all his money and bought a talking parrot that could recite the entire bible and the special parrot was approved by Vatican and blessed by the Pope. All you have to do is just any verse from the bible and the parrot will recite to you. 
Then few days later, they all got their thank you note from their mother. To the first son, she said, "Son, thank you very much for the house, but I cannot accept it. It's because I am older now and I cannot look after a huge house. Anyhow, thank you very much for your love. To the second son, she said, "Son, thank you very much for the gift but I will not accept it either, it is because I don't even drive these days and why do I need a sporty car. Anyhow thank you very much. To the third son, she said, "Son, you are the best and you know what a mother wants. I loved your gift and happy to accept it" 
Then P. S, she wrote..."By the way, the bird was so delicious..." 
Motherhood is a very high calling. Their sacrifice and love; their dedication and self-giving are beyond measure. Because of mothers, the world is a better place today and because of them, their children are stronger in every single way. 
Once Abraham Lincoln said, " All that I am and all I hope to be, I owe to my mother..." And the Holy Bible often compares God's love to that of a mother's love and her sacrifice. 
Once a little boy forgot his lines in the school program in which he was participating. His mother who was sitting in the front row, helped him whispering, "Say, I am the light of the world.... say, I am the light of the world". The boy was so happy because he got the line and said proudly, "My mother is the light of the world".  
Mothers radiate divine peace and serenity in the world. They sacrifice their happiness and joy for their families and children.  

Once a Sunday school teacher asked one of the boys, "Joe, let us call him Tomy, do you really pray before meals at home?" He said, "No, sir". Teacher asked him, "Why don't you pray before meals?" And Tomy with innocent look answered, "Because my mom is a good cook".  
Mothers know what their children want. There is an old tradition that on Mother's Day, the children wash their mother's feet and say, "Mom, I love you". There is an old testament story about two mothers claiming for a child saying, "This is my child and this my child, and, in those days, there were not DNA tests or blood tests and king Solomon with his God-given wisdom judged them wisely saying, "If two mothers are claiming for one child, cut the child into two and give each a half..." The true loving mother reacted so different than the false one and thus King Solomon served them judgement.  
We are celebrating and praying for mothers who dedicate and sacrifice their time and resources for their children and pray for mothers who deliver their children at Walmart washrooms and leave their children behind and are so concerned about their own wellbeing and worldly things. That they might come to know that motherhood is a very special calling 
The New Testament says when the child Jesus was lost at the temple in Jerusalem, Mother Mary was the one who first noticed His absence and began to long for Him and asking everyone about Jesus and finally as Mary and Joseph found Him in the temple, she was the first one asked Him, "Son, why did you do all these to us?' From that moment onwards, everything changed in His life and thus He began to grow in wisdom and knowledge before God and before people.  
Let us pray, in a special way, for all our mothers today that God may continue to bless them and be with them. If you want to know what women want, you may ask Mel Gibson. But what does a mother want? All she wants is her children to become stronger and grow healthy both physically and spiritually. Yes, that is all a mother wants. She wants her children to be happy. Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers. 

Today we celebrate the glorious feast of the Ascension of Christ our Lord. After His Resurrection, for forty days, He stayed with His disciples giving them courage and strength and asking them to go everywhere to preach the good news of salvation to all the world. And on the fortieth day, in the presence of His disciples, He was taken up to heaven and now sits at the right hand of God the Father and from there, He is interceding for us all. As Christ ascended into heaven, He left two mothers behind to look after us. He blessed us with the universal Mother, the Holy Catholic Church and our spiritual Mother Blessed virgin Mary. Now Christ our Lord is helping us through the universal and our spiritual mother. So, let us pray for all our physical mothers through our universal mother the Holy Catholic Church and our spiritual Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen. 

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