Thursday, May 11, 2017

Mother's day-fifth sunday in Easter

Mother's Day. 
Fifth Sunday of Easter. 
Once a bishop looked at all his priests and said, "You know what you should begin your homily with a story to inspire your people...For example, the last time, I looked at people and said, "I am in love with a beautiful woman and then I said her name is Blessed Virgin Mary". So priest went back to his parish wanting to imitate the bishop and as he was standing up to preach, he sees the bishop himself is standing at the back of the church, so he gets so nervous and says, "The Bishop is in love with a married woman and I cannot remember her name".  
Her name is Blessed Virgin Mary. Wife of St. Joseph and the mother of God. As we all know that the month of May is the month of our Lady, we are happy to celebrate 'Mother's day'.  Let us thank God for all our mothers who sacrifice so much for the wellbeing and happiness of their children. Let us also pray for every woman who promotes justice and peace around the world. 
Once a little boy forgot his lines in the school skit celebration in which he was participating. His mother who was sitting in the front row helped him whispering, "Say, I am the light of the world". The boy was so happy because he got the line and said proudly, "My mother is the light of the world".  
Mothers are so dedicated and help their children to grow in faith. They love their children so much and they do anything for their children to be happy and grow in the love and kindness of God. There is a beautiful story of a mother and her seven children in the second book of Maccabees. What happens is that seven brothers and their mother were forced to abandon their faith in God Almighty and worship the king. They say, "No..." And thus one by one was being killed in the presence of their mother and the mother encourages them to die for the faith and love. She also gives up her life courageously. A mother who loved her children so much and she wanted them to live eternally. Faith begins at home and mothers dedicate their time, energy and resources to help their children grow stronger in faith. My mother never sent me to church but she took me to church. When a mother does good things for her children, they will do better things for her in the future. 

Once king Solomon was asked to give a verdict on a case in which two women claimed for one child. They both said that the child belonged to them. Then Solomon who was known for his wisdom and understanding said, "Bring me a sword and cut the living child into two and give half to one and half to the other. Then the real mother came forward pleading to the king saying, "Please do not kill the child. Give the child to her. I want my child to be alive and happy". At that point, King Solomon decided who the real mother is . Motherhood is spiritual in nature and it can only be identified with sacrifice and love.  

When a mother has a strong faith, her children's faith will be stronger.  Our Lord Jesus Christ as at the age of twelve disappeared at the temple in Jerusalem, Joseph and Mary were searching for him and at last when they found Him, Blessed Mary was the one who looked at Him and said, "Son, why did you do this to us?" And the Holy Bible says afterwards He went down with them and thus began to grow in wisdom and knowledge before God and others. Parents who help their children to grow in the fear of God do a great thing to their society and their country.  
Christ the only Son of God who came down to bring the love of God says to His disciples, "I am going away...not to abandon you but to prepare a place for you so that where I am you may be too. Then to Thomas and all others who asked Him to show the way says, "I am the way, the truth and the life and no one can go to the father except through me" and then to Phillip who asked to show the Father says, "Oh Phillip, you have been with me all this time and you are asking me to show the father. If you have seen me then you have seen the Father...the father and I are one" 
As we all know that even women who do not have children are also considered mothers. For example, Mother Teresa who was always called Mother by all. It is because of her love and kindness towards humanity. She practiced what she believed. She sowed the seed of love in  humanity. Her whole life was a lesson of love. So let us thank God for all women who dedicate themselves to promote love and kindness; who promote faith and hope to humanity. Amen. 


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