Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Palm Sunday- A

Palm Sunday-year A 
Once a man had a strangest bet with his friend saying, "I will ask a question to myself and if I can't answer, I will buy you lunch and you ask a question to yourself and if you can't answer your own question, you buy me lunch". The friend was confused and said, "This is the strangest thing I have ever heard....what did you say, "If I can't answer my own question, I have to buy lunch?" The man said, "Yes...that is right". 
  1. The friend said, "you go first since you proposed the strange bet". The man said that my question to myself is  "How is it possible for a rabbit to borrow a hole into the ground without  throwing any mud on to the outside?" 
My answer to my question is …"The rabbit should be borrowing from inside". 
The other guy said, "How does it do that?' 
The man said, "That is your question". 
Life is full of questions. As we enter into Holy week, we all have so many questions and mainly we ask ourselves how we can commit ourselves to Christ the Messiah. 
I have an old story that I like so much and I remember telling it last year. 
Once what happened was a little baby donkey went to Jerusalem and looking around what people were doing. Everything went well in the beginning and then people began to notice the little animal and began to chase it. The baby donkey ran and ran and finally reached home. He was all crying and was confused and went to his mom and said, "Mom, I don't understand people and I am confused". Son, they dot even understand who they are and why are you confused about people?  
Mom, When we entered into Jerusalem yesterday, people were all happy with us. They threw their cloaks in front of us to walk on and they were people were waves palm leaves and singing "Hosanna to the Son of David, many were playing trumpet and dancing and singing. They were so welcoming and happy with us and the same people today, as I was walking around, were trying to kill me. They threw stone at me. What is going on with these people? 
The mother said, "Son, all those praises, glorias, hosanna and singing and dancing and throwing cloaks and waving palms that happened yesterday were not for us but for Him, Christ whom we were carrying on our back. Then the mom looked at her son and said, "Son, always remember, the world is filled with ungrateful and unfaithful people for whom the Holy Messiah became a man. Son, remember as long as we are with Jesus, we are important and special, if not, we are just donkeys. 
Yes, as long as we are with Christ Jesus, we are special, unique and important, if not we are nothing. Let us hold on to Christ and enter into this special Holy Week. Amen

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