Second Sunday in Lent-A
One a man ordered three beers and drank them all and he was keep on ordering three beers every day and after a month, the bartender asked him what was going on. The man said, "you know what one of my brother lives in England and the other lives in Australia and I am here in Canada. And we made a promise to each other saying, "every time we drink we will honor the other person too. So that I order three beers... and then one day, the man ordered only two beers and the bartender felt so bad for one the man's brother's death and expressed his condolence as he was serving two beers. The man said, "No...not at all. My two brothers are well and alive. I just gave up drinking for Lent".
Once a dad was trying to explain Lent to his little boy. At one point, the dad said, "you Should give up something for Lent, something you really miss, like candy". The boy thought for a moment ,then asked, "What are you giving up, dad?' I am giving up liquor said the Father. But I saw you drinking before dinner said the son. The dad said, "Yes, but that was only sherry" and I gave up hard liquor. To which the boy said, "Well then, I think I will give up hard candy".
Today we celebrate second Sunday in Lent and let us meditate on how we can transform in the presence of Transfigured Christ through means of prayer. Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting and works of Charity help us to be with God who sent His Only Son Christ to be with us forever. So let us focus on prayer today.
Once a mother saw her son being so bad and asked him to pray to God so that he could change him. After his prayer, the mother said, "Did you pray to God to make you good". The boy said, "No...I prayed for you so that God might give you enough strength to put up with me".
Once some people asked Mother Teresa, "Mom...When you pray what do you say to God?' And she said, "I do not say anything and I just listen to Him". Then they asked, "What does God say to you?' She again looked at them smiled and said, "He doesn't talk either". He listens.
Prayer means communion, being with God. It is being one with God. It is having a holy experience.
Prayer a sincere heart poured out prayer helps to identify good from evil. It helps us to say, "No" to sin and Satan. For example, last weekend gospel, as Jesus had finished His forty days and forty nights of prayer and fasting, He was tempted by the Devil. We saw how Christ said, "No" to Satan and "Yes" to the love of God. It is because of His prayers, everything happened. As we deeply enter into prayer life, we will know how to say "NO' to temptations and evil and "Yes" to the love of God.
And in today's gospel, Jesus goes to a mountain with His three disciples and while He was praying to His Father, another very important change happened in Him and around Him. His appearance began to change. He became full of light and because of that change, His garments, cloths also became dazzling white. His disciples witnessed how Moses and Elijah were talking to Christ. Then they heard the voice saying, "He is my beloved Son and listen to Him..."
These all happened while Christ was praying to his Father. The power of prayer united Him with the Father.
In 2001 as journalists approached Desmond Tutu who was suffering from prostate cancer and asked, "If he was going to die what would be his last message". He who also helped to shape his country's politics said, "I am not going to talk to you politics but prayer and adoration. Because everything comes from faith and prayer gives that faith".
In today's old testament reading, because of prayer and faith Abram became Abraham and his small family was blessed to become a nation and in St. Paul urges us to be transformed a new spiritual beings and pray without ceasing.
Prayer is the key of all treasures in this life and the hereafter.
Yes, as we celebrate the season of Lent, we are called to get closer to God and know that we belong to God. Let us keep the Lenten disciplines and pray without ceasing. Amen.
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