Friday, February 10, 2017

six sunday-A

Six Sunday in Ordinary Time-A 
After visiting my mom in India, one thing I know that it is not easy to understand my mother. She said, "come for a month and stay with me for a month and I do not understand why within two weeks, all she was asking me  was, when I was going back to Canada". 
Once a faithful woman was taking out money from her purse for offering, a Television remote fell out into the aisle and the curious usher who bent over to retrieve it for her said, "Do you always carry your TV remote to Church?" She said, "My husband refused to come to church with me this morning and I don't know what to I figured this was the most evil thing that I could do to him legally". 
Once a spiritual leader said,  
"If you want to be happy, be compassionate. If you want others to be happy, be compassionate".  
Christ the compassionate and kind one was sent by God not to judge us but to give us life. As people heard Him preaching the Good News and as they witnessed His miracles, all they said was,  "Where did this man get all these? Where did He get all these wisdom and understanding? Christ our Lord came to fulfill the law and prophets. And the law and the prophets were fulfilled in Him. Yes, all the laws and the prophets lead us to Him only. 
Those who put their faith in Christ  are fulfilling the Law and those who love the Lord are fulfilling the prophets.  He brought to us the law of love saying, "Love God and your neighbor". Yes on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Christ by giving His life on the cross fulfilled the law and the prophets. And that is why, When we think about the law or the prophets, we think about Christ the Lord. 

Once  a prophet came to a town preaching the good news and in the beginning, the whole town came to listen to him and after a while, they slowly went away from him. And at last, he was standing by himself and he was still preaching and one day a man looked a the prophet and said, "Now there is nobody and why are you still preaching?" The prophet said, I preached before so that people could change and now I preach so that they won't change me". 
The law and the prophets were given to the people but the Pharisees and the scribes manipulated them according to their own interests. And that is why Christ who came to fulfill the law and the prophets say that our righteousness and doings should exceed that of those Pharisees and the scribes to enter into the kingdom of God. 
When I was in India last month, I asked one of my Hindu friends about  his thought about Christ who became human so that humans can become divine  and he said, "we have more than million gods in Hinduism and not even one god became human to make us divine and they always remained divine". This amazing thing happened only in Christianity. 
And that Jesus who wants us  all to be with Him in heaven, 
 says, "As you are preparing to offer your gifts at the Altar and know that your brother or sister has something against you. Do not offer your gift to God instead leave them there before the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother or sister and then come and do your offering.  
And thus we fulfill the law and the prophets. Reconciliation with our brothers and sisters and reconciliation with ourselves purify our hearts. Christ says that blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 
For all the evil intentions come from the heart and as we keep our heart clean and pure, we begin to realize the presence of God in and around us.  
Christ our Lord brought us all here for a reason. Yes, we are called to become His channels of love and forgiveness. Today the world needs more love, our community needs for forgiveness and our family and friends need more kindness and compassion, let us be instruments of divine love and bring them back to Christ our Lord. Yes. If you want to be happy, practice compassion and if you want others to be happy, practice compassion. Amen.

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