First Sunday in Advent-A
Good morning/ evening every one. I am so happy to welcome you all for today's Holy Mass. Our special welcome to all our parishioners, visitors and every one here today. Friends in Christ Jesus, let us thank God almighty for bringing us all here to this beautiful church of St. Jean de brebeuf/St. Paul the apostle. Let us thank Him for sending His only Son our Lord Jesus Christ to be with us forever. And Let us thank Him for showering upon us His countless blessings each and every day.
Now let us take a moment to prepare ourselves to celebrate the Sacred mystery of our Lord Jesus Christ calling to mind our sins, short coming, failures, pain and sufferings asking divine assistance and Christ our Lord's forgiveness, mercy and compassion.
Last January, I made a new year resolution of gaining five pounds but I failed. All I gained for far is only one pound. It is because I went with reverse psychology resolution. If any one of you wants to lose weight, all you have to do is to make a reverse psychology resolution saying, "I am going to gain ten pounds or twenty-pounds and then you will in no time lose weight". If you gain any weight, please don't call me and complain.
Once a priest noticed during of his homily, a man was sleeping with his head on his wife's shoulder and he said to the woman, "would you please wake him up". The woman said, "Father, you put him to sleep and you wake him up".
Today's gospel invites us to 'keep awake'. Today we celebrate a new liturgical season called 'Advent' meaning coming or arrival. Who is going to come? The Lord Christ Jesus is coming. And when is He coming? No one knows and thus all we have to do is 'Keep awake'.
Once a man had a terrible, terrible dream. A lion was chasing him and while he was running, there came a tiger, running toward him and he was surrounded by so many ferocious animals and what should he do to escape from them?
All he had to do is just wake up from his sleep.
Today's gospel invites us to keep awake because the Lord is coming. He is not away to come back. He is already with us. But the day will come, everyone could see him with his or her own eyes. Faithful or unfaithful; good or bad; righteous or sinners; everyone will see Him as He is.
Christ our Lord is coming so you who were baptized in the name of the Lord, should not be discouraged by others. Yes, there are people who put you down and even criticize you. They will make fun of you and laugh at you. But you should never be discouraged because you were all baptized and are children of God. God who called Abraham and Isaac; who called Moses and Jacob is with you.
Christ our Lord is coming so you who are receiving the body of Christ, should not be afraid by the things are happening around us. There will be war and killing; natural calamities and destruction but you should be afraid of anything. These things will happen but nothing will go against you. It's because you who receive the body of Christ are strengthened by Him ad it's Christ who lives in you.
Christ our Lord is coming so you who trust in the Lord should not lose hope. Hope is a good thing and it is the best of all. No good ever dies.
The Son of man is coming. He is our Lord and God. He is coming not to punish us or put to death. He is coming to give us life. Christ who died on the cross will die no more and anyone who follows Him will be like him living forever. The Lord is coming to give us unending life. So let us have hope and celebrate our living.
The Son of man is coming. He is our Lord and God. He is coming not to punish us or put to death. He is coming to give us light. He is full of light and in Him, there is no darkness. Anyone who follows Him will have light of life and on the day, we all will become light of Christ. So let us have hope and celebrate our living.
The Son of man is coming. He is our Lord and God. He is coming not to punish us or put to death. He is coming to take us with Him. Yes, He will never abandon us but will take us to eternal home prepared for us. So let us have hope and celebrate our living. Amen.
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