8th Sunday in ordinary time.
Trust in the love and providence of God.
Good morning every one. I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Dear friends, it is God who looks after us and it is Christ who provides us with happiness and joy and as we come to Church, we are given blessings upon blessing to know the love and kindness of God our Father.
If you have a problem that can be fixed, then there is no point in worrying and if you have a problem that can not be fixed and then there is no point in worrying either.
There is a story about a man who worked in the freezer compartment for a big business and one day as he went in the freezer compartment for his routine job, the freezer door locked itself and he could not get out. As he realized that it was past midnight, he could not get any help so he wrote on the freezer compartment wall, “I am getting colder and colder and I am so weak. this will be my last words”. The next morning when workers opened the freezer compartment, they found the man dead.
But the sad twist to the story is, the freezer compartment had stopped working a few days prior to the incident. The man died just because of his unnecessary worry and fear.
In today’s gospel, Christ our Lord invites us to put our trust in God Almighty. Do not worry about what to eat and drink because life is more than eating and drinking and do not worry about what to wear because life is more than clothing. people who put their trust in God will not worry about every day things because they know that God who created everything will look after them and He will feed them with finest of all. When they are down, He will lift them up and as they encounter challenges, He will bring them answers.
We should not worry about what we are eating but we should think about what is eating us.
Who is our Master. Is it God or material things. Those who go after material things will not only lose their peace of mind but also God but on the other hand those who serve God and God alone not only gain God but are also showered with wealth. They will be given more of everything. So it is better to serve God and gain life.
How can we stop worrying and start living? We can all start living by living one day at a time like all other living creatures. There is a story about a clock, a wall clock who took a nervous breakdown and ended up stop working. He was taken up to a psychiatrist and the doctor looked at him and asked, “what is your problem?’ The wall clock said, “I have to make two ticks in a second and 120 ticks a minute and imagine how many ticks I have to make for an hour and for a day and for a year. By thinking about all the ticks I have to make, I had a nervous break down”. The doctor looked at the clock and said, “how many ticks you have to make at a time”. He said one tick at a time. Then go home and make only one tick at the time and do not think about the next until the time comes. The clock went home happily.
living one day at a time is the secret to serve God and find happiness. Today so many people spend their resources to find happiness, to find serenity and peace and Our Lord Jesus Christ gives answer to all our human challenges and problems saying, “live one day at a time and if we do not know how then we should learn from other living Creatures. So let us put our trust in God and serve Him alone and all other things will be given to us. Amen.
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