Saturday, September 29, 2012

26th sunday-B

26th Sunday-B

Good morning every one, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we celebrate the love of God, we celebrate the kindness and the forgiveness of Christ our Lord and every time we come to Church, we are given a special blessing to love and forgive others.
Once two evil brothers went to the same church and though every one knew about their wickedness, they acted as though they were perfect followers of Christ and one day, one of the brothers died and the other man came to the priest and said, ‘I am donating 100 thousand dollars to the church and you have to say that my brother was a saint in your funeral homily and the priest accepted and cashed the check and the next day at the funeral, the priest said, “this man was an evil man and he abused his wife and children and did so many bad things to many people but compared to his living brother, he was a saint”.

The understanding of the apostles of Jesus was so different from any other people because He was with them and He called them in a special way. As He was performing Miracles, they did help Him in different way. After preaching the Good News, Jesus in private explained the deepest meaning of it to His apostles. He encouraged them to ask questions and doubts. He knew their weakens and strength; their failures and victories.
When the apostles came to Christ and said, “Jesus, we left everything behind for you and what will we get in return? And Christ our Lord promised them saying, “Any one who leaves behind his family, his property for my sake and the sake of the gospels, will receive eternal life. He will receive hundred fold of everything.

As the apostles proclaimed saying, “Jesus, you are the Master, the Only Son of God…” Jesus said that they were all given divine gift from God Almighty.
The apostles by obeying Christ cast out demons, healed the sick and did so many wonderful things and Jesus looked at them and said, “you are all blessed and you will do greater things in my name”.
So the disciples felt important and special. And that is why when they saw someone in the name of Christ was chasing out demons and was doing great things. They could not control their human weakness or anger and came to Christ and said, “Jesus, the person who was not called by you, the person who was not special and important is driving out demons in you name and he is doing miracles in you name”.

Christ our Lord looked at them with compassion and kind and said, “Let them do. Those who are not against us are for us”.
And Christ our Lord continues saying, “anyone who does anything in His name, he will be blessed and be given eternal reward. Nothing will go unnoticed or nothing can be ignored. Every one will receive blessings according to their act.
What is my reward? What am I going to get by practicing my faith or doing something good in the name of Christ? Dear friends, any one who gives to the poor, receives from God. Sometimes we do not recognized the blessings of Christ or other times we ignore His presence in our lives but Christ who promises saying, ‘even if a person gives a glass of water in His name will receive the reward. Yes, Christ will never abandon His followers; they all will be looked after. Though sometimes it may look that we are left alone or abandoned, the blessings and presence of God continue in our lives because he chooses us.

In the second part of the gospel, Jesus brings a new vision into our reality saying, we should encourage others to do great things in His name, we should never stop any one from doing good in His divine name. Even our hand or eye or foot causes us to go away from the love of God or doing good things in His name, we should remove them. The Christ who healed people with withered hands, people who were blind or physically or mentally sick says we should have courage to remove from us what stop us from loving Christ. Yes, Jesus loves us so much and He does not want us from going away from Him. He wants us to be with Him and He says that we should remove what hinder us from going to Him. Yes, Jesus completes us. He fills us with love and kindness and anything that separates us from the love of Christ does not come from Him. Jesus is our ultimate reality and we should prepare ourselves to go to Him.

So dear friends, as followers, disciples and apostles of Christ, let us preach the Good News and help others to do so and if we see anyone promoting the love and kindness of God, let us encourage the person to continue his mission. Let us adore Christ who lives in us. Amen.

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