Friday, June 1, 2012

Holy Trinity Sunday

Holy Trinity Sunday

Good evening/morning every one. I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. My special welcome to all our parishioners, cottagers, visitors and every one who is here today, dear friends every time we come to Church we celebrate God Almighty the creator of the universe the source of all. Every time we come to Church, we celebrate Christ, the Only Son of God the Alpha and Omega- the beginning and the end. And every time we come to Church we celebrate the Holy Spirit the giver of life. Yes, we celebrate the Father God, the Son God and the Holy Spirit God not three gods but Only One God.

One day Jesus looked at His disciples at Caesarea Philippi and asked, “Who do people say that I am?” They said, “ You are Elisa, Elijah, John the Baptist and one of the prophets”. And then He asked them “ who do you say that I am?”They said, “Thou art the Logos, existing in the Father as His rationality and then, by an act of His will generated, in consideration of the various functions by which God is related to His creation. But only on the fact of Scripture speaks of a Father, and a Son and a Holy Spirit, each member of the Trinity being coequal with every other member, and each acting inseparably with and interpenetrating every other member, the trinity”

Jesus looked at them and said, ‘What?’

Today the Holy Catholic Church celebrates the solemn feast of Holy Trinity Sunday. Yes, we celebrate the triune God, the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God but there are not three gods but only one God our Father. And that is why every time we begin any celebration, we begin with the sign of the Cross saying, “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’.

The Father is God
Once a cat died and went to heaven. God welcome the cat and said, “you were a good cat for years and anything you desire is yours”. The cat said, ‘Dear God, though I lived my life, I did not sleep well because of the rough floor and God in an instant made a fluffy pillow. And few days’ later six mice that were killed in an accident appeared in heaven. God welcomed them and said, “this is heaven and whatever you desire is yours” they said, ‘Dear God, all our lives everyone chased us around and please give us roller skates and we will be happier” God gave them tiny roller skates so that they could run around happily. Thus everyone was happy in heaven. Then one day God looked at the cat and asked, “ How are you doing now?” The cat said, ‘God, thank you very much for everything and by the way the meals on wheels are delicious”. The Father is God and in the beginning God created heaven and earth and all and then He saw everything was good and was happy. Even the children of God who went away from Him had a deep longing to find Him. The Father who knew their children revealed Himself in various ways. The kings and holy men and women in the Old Testament talked about God and His compassionate fatherly love. Though the Old Testament is the preparation of the coming of the Son, it is all about the Father and His loving relationship with His children. The Father God who is the Creator brings life to all. The Father God is not like a god who is ready to punish and judge His children; he is more like the Father in the prodigal son story waiting for His son come home and when he comes home, there will be only unending celebration.

The Son Jesus Christ is God
Once a man was walking on a beach deep in prayer, he had a vision and heard Jesus saying to him, ‘you had always been faithful to me, and ask a favor and it will be granted”. The man said, ‘would you please make a bridge to Hawaii so that I could drive there and enjoy…” then he got a reply in vision saying, ‘there going to be many natural resources being destroyed to build a bridge… ask something else”. The man said “ I wished I could understand my wife, know her feelings, what she wants and why she gives me the silent treatment often and fulfill her wants and needs…” There came an answer right away asking, “You want two lanes or four lanes on that bridge”.

Dear friends, Our Christ the Lord often talks about His Father and the Holy Spirit. When the disciples asked the Lord to show the Father, He said, ‘you have been with me all the time and how can you ask me to show the Father. Do you not know that the Father and I are one? The Father knows me and I know Him. No one can go to the Father except through me. It is the Father who sent me here. Jesus came to us when the Father was busting out of love. He loves us so much and that is why He sent His Only Son Jesus to us. Jesus the redeemer showed the way to the Father. The Son is also the Father because the both are the same.

The third person the Holy Spirit is God
Once a mom was explaining her son the gifts of the Holy Spirit saying going to school getting knowledge and wisdom are all comes from the Holy Spirit and asked what he did that day in school. He said my teacher taught me how to write. Wow that is wonderful. What did you write? He said, “I don’t know because my teacher didn’t teach me how to read yet?’

The Old Testament talks more about the Father God, the New Testament talks more about the Son God and the Act of the Apostles talks more about the Holy Spirit God. As Jesus promised before His ascension sent the Holy Spirit on the apostles and on all the believers and because of the power of the divine gift, they went everywhere and preach the Good News to all. The Holy Spirit remained them everything that Jesus preached and taught them and thus sanctified them.


There is a beautiful story explained the Holy Trinity by our patron saint Patrick. When a group of people came to him and asked about the holy trinity, St. Patrick picked up a shamrock and told them how the three gloves are connected with each other and are distinct from one another likewise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are connected and are distinct. They are one and the same. When we pray to the Father, we pray also to the Son and the Spirit, so let us adore the triune God and experience love and kindness and spread that love to all. Amen.

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