Saturday, November 19, 2011



Good morning every one. I am so happy to welcome you all to celebrate today’s Holy Mass and my special welcome to all our parishioners, visitors and every one who is here today and I would also thank you all for coming out today to celebrate Christ the King. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we celebrate Christ who gives us life-everlasting, we celebrate Christ who glorifies and honors us saying, “Enter into my Father’s house”
Once a man died and went to the Judgment and St. Peter met him at the gate and said, “Before you meet with God, I thought I should tell you, we have looked at your life and you really did not do anything particularly good or bad and we do not know where to send you. Can you tell me anything that you did that can help us make a decision?’ the man said, Once I was driving along and came upon a woman who was being harassed by a group of men and I faced that leader of the gang who was a big macho guy who weighed over three hundred pounds, “I slapped him and said, “Let the woman go”. St. Peter looked at him and said, “when did this happen?” He said, “About two minutes ago”.
Today the Church celebrates the feast of Christ the king. Jesus who was born among the poor and who did miracles and wonders and He who proclaimed the kingdom of God and invited the people to love God with all they were and He who again and again said, “God loves you all with His unconditional love” Jesus who was rejected by the Pharisees and the elders of the Church and was crucified and died on the Cross came back to life and before entering into heaven, He promised that He would come back to take us with Him. He promised that He would come to glorify us. Yes, the just judge will come not to punish us but to let us know that we all belong to His Father.
Once a Canadian man who was on a bus in Sweden said to the man who was sitting next to him, “ Canada is the most democratic country in the world. Any one can easily approach the prime minister and discuss things with him. Then the other man said, “it is nothing. In Sweden, the King and the people travel on the same bus”.
When the man got off the bus, the Canadian was told by other passengers that he had been sitting next to the King Gustav VI.
Jesus our King came down to be one with us. He judges us with compassion and love. He is our just judge and He will never condemn us but instead He will forgive and give us life that will never end. Jesus does not ask us anything that we cannot do. He is our example and model and by fulfilling God’s will, he showed us how to do things and accept others.
Once a man who was passing by a road, noticed a blind child begging with a sign saying, “I am blind, help me with money”. Every body passed by but on one helped the boy. The man put some coins in the bowl and rewrote something else on the sign pad and went away. When other people who were passing by noticed the sign and began to put coins and money in the bowl, and the boy was surprised. All he knew was a man came earlier and rewrote the sign but he did not know what he wrote. That evening the man came by again and boy recognized him and asked what he wrote the man said, “ Son, it gives same meaning, though I used different words. He said, “ I wrote, “ Today is such a beautiful day but I cannot see. I am blind”
Anything we do to the least of our brothers and sisters, we do unto the Lord. The Last judgment is based on not how tight we were holding out hands to pray to God but how often we stretched them out to help others. Our spiritual and religious life should extend to help the people who are in need. So let celebrate Christ every day extending our help to the least of our brothers and sisters in need. Amen.

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