Sermon on the Mount
Today’s gospel is the famous teaching of our Lord Jesus called Sermon on the Mount. Jesus, in His every miracle and wonder kept the way to lasting happiness and joy. The famous philosopher Aristotle says that happiness is that which all men seek. We all struggle each and every day to find lasting happiness and joy. Some seek happiness in their jobs and every day work as the apostles, when the Lord called them to follow Him, they left behind everything and followed him because they found lasting happiness in his words and wisdom and some seek happiness in pleasing others as Martha but the Lord said, “Martha… Martha you are too anxious and bothered but Mary found a better way and it will not be taken away from her”. Yes to be with the Lord and listen to Him is the lasting happiness and joy.
In today’s gospel Jesus gives eight beatitudes for lasting happiness. Their values are not that of the world. He says. “ Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed and happy are the meek and humble. Blessed when you are hungry and celebrate when you are weeping”
All His beatitudes invite us to connect ourselves with God, with others and with ourselves for lasting happiness.
When we connect ourselves with God, we learn humility. We are nothing but dust but God created us in a special way. He created us in His own image and likeness and then Jesus asked us to call God, father. This very connection with God helps us to have prodigal son’s courage every time we fail and go back to Him as we are.
Jesus’ beatitude helps us to connect ourselves with others because they reflect God’s love and kindness. We learn to accept others as they are and make this world a better place to live. Those who humble themselves before God will know how to serve others as our Blessed Virgin mother did, as all the apostles and holy men and women did. When they deepened their faith in God, they did not go away from society and others instead they extended their love towards the poor and the needy.
And Jesus’ beatitude helps us in touch with ourselves. As we read the beatitudes, we come to know the secret to lasting happiness. We come to know that all His words will take us into spiritual fullness and joy. All our spiritual practices such as every day prayers, fasting and alms giving help us in touch with our own self and teach us to repeat the words of the Lord, “ Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God…
Yes we are blessed and be given lasting happiness when we connect ourselves with God and learn humility and we are blessed when we connect with others and know how to serve others without any hesitation and we are blessed when we accept everything for the sake of the kingdom of god. Amen.
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