Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity. We celebrate the triune god. The Father is God. The Son is God. And the Holy Spirit is God. But they are not three gods but only one God.
Many religions talk about Trinitarian gods in their faith. For example, Hinduism. They have a creator god, a protector god and a destroyer god. They believe in three different gods but we- Christians believe in One God. The father god is the creator and the son God is the redeemer and the third person, the Holy Spirit is the sanctifier.
Once a group of people came to St. Patrick and asked him to explain the Holy Trinity. And St. Patrick who picked a three-leaved shamrock and showed to them and said, God is one but three different persons like the three-leaved shamrockIn today’s gospel, Jesus asks his disciples to go out everywhere and baptize them all in the name of Trinity. And Jesus says in the gospels that God sent him. And he often refers God as His father who is equal in power.
Jesus says that the father sent him and he will send the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him.We all know the famous story of St. Augustine who was so confused about the mystery of the Holy Trinity and one day while he was walking along the seashore saw a small boy using a sea shell to take the sea water to pour on the shore. St. Augustine was asking him what he was doing and the boy said, “I am going to take all water from the sea and pour it on the shore with this sea shell”. St. Augustine laughed at him and said, “it is impossible”. then the boy said, ‘if you think you can understand the secret of Holy trinity with your tiny mind then it is also possible and then he disappeared.
let us adore our truine god, amen
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