Thursday, July 23, 2009

About a Boy-17th sunday-B

About a boy-17th Sunday-B

Today I am going to talk about a boy who had five loaves and two fish. I am going to talk about the boy who became an instrument of Jesus’ miracle. Yes, an ordinary and every day boy became a huge inspiration for many. once a sunday school teacher was talking about last judgment and then she said to the children, "when Jesus comes, he will separate the sheep from the goats. He will send the sheep to heaven and do you know what he will do with the goats?" no one answered and then finally little Joseph raised his hand and said, " he will make goat cheese from them".

One day God looked at Abraham and said, “prove your fidelity to me. Take the boy Isaac and sacrifice him on the mountain” and Abraham obeyed what God commanded and on the way to the mountain the boy Isaac was keep on asking his dad, “dad, where is the sacrificial lamb… dad, where is the sacrificial lamb” Abraham said, ‘Son, God will provide” and at the end when Abraham said, “son, you are the sacrificial lamb… Isaac became a miracle boy. Then God blessed both Abraham and Isaac abundantly. The innocent boy Isaac became an instrument of God.

Once a Sunday school teacher asked the children why they should be quiet in Church and little Joseph raised his hand and said, “because people are sleeping” then when will they get up? children seem to know everythig and little Josehp answered her saying, during the consacration time when they ring the bell".

At the age of twelve, the boy Jesus found himself at the Jerusalem temple, He was surrounded by scholars, Pharisees and scribes. He inspired many by his wisdom and knowledge. God does great things with what we consider small and unimportant.Once little Joseph looked at his grandmother and said, " you know how you and god are alike?" how? little Joseph said, " you both are old". Grandma began to laugh. Little Joseph asked her why. She said, 'look at your Grandpa and he is older than God".

In today’s gospel, Jesus took compassion for the people because they were like sheep without a shepherd and asked his disciples to feed them. And one of the disciples, Andrew said to Jesus, “ there is a boy here who has five loaves and two fish. But what are they among so many people?

And Jesus multiplied the bread and fish and fed more than five thousand people.Big or small, rich or poor every one is important in the sight of God and that is why He chose ordinary people to be his disciples and that is why he chose you and me to be his children. Little drops of water can make a mighty ocean.Jesus may and can use us, as we give up or lose faith thinking that we are nobody and we have nothing to offer for the well-being of others, and does miracles and wonders in and through us. Like the boy who had five loaves and two fish, when we become instruments of God; like the boy who participated in the miracle of multiplication, when we actively participate in our daily life; we will come to know that the boy is none other than you and me. Amen.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Holy Trinity


Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity. We celebrate the triune god. The Father is God. The Son is God. And the Holy Spirit is God. But they are not three gods but only one God.

Many religions talk about Trinitarian gods in their faith. For example, Hinduism. They have a creator god, a protector god and a destroyer god. They believe in three different gods but we- Christians believe in One God. The father god is the creator and the son God is the redeemer and the third person, the Holy Spirit is the sanctifier.

Once a group of people came to St. Patrick and asked him to explain the Holy Trinity. And St. Patrick who picked a three-leaved shamrock and showed to them and said, God is one but three different persons like the three-leaved shamrockIn today’s gospel, Jesus asks his disciples to go out everywhere and baptize them all in the name of Trinity. And Jesus says in the gospels that God sent him. And he often refers God as His father who is equal in power.

Jesus says that the father sent him and he will send the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him.We all know the famous story of St. Augustine who was so confused about the mystery of the Holy Trinity and one day while he was walking along the seashore saw a small boy using a sea shell to take the sea water to pour on the shore. St. Augustine was asking him what he was doing and the boy said, “I am going to take all water from the sea and pour it on the shore with this sea shell”. St. Augustine laughed at him and said, “it is impossible”. then the boy said, ‘if you think you can understand the secret of Holy trinity with your tiny mind then it is also possible and then he disappeared.

let us adore our truine god, amen

Jesus sends his disciples two by two

Jesus sent his disciples two by two to preach the good news

Jesus, after giving authority and power to his disciples, sends them out two by two to preach the good news. And the disciples went everywhere doing what the Lord commanded them to do.Once a man came to a spiritual master and said, “master, I want to become your disciple and learn everything by spending ten hours a day and how long will it take to become like you?”The master said, “it will take about ten years”The man said, “what if I spend twenty hours a day?”Then the master said, “it will take twenty years”Only by spending time , we learn about God and his love and kindness. The disciples spent time with Jesus and witnessed his miracles and wonders. And then once they were ready, Christ sent them out.

He sent them out two by two. The gospels talk about the resurrection stories and one of them is about the two disciples on the way to Emmaus. On the way to Emmaus, the two looked sad and down and then Jesus joined them and explained everything about his suffering, death and resurrection and then their eyes were opened and their hearts were burning within them. They had an ultra spiritual experience. Jesus says when two or more gather in his name, there he will be with them. As the disciples went two by two, Jesus joined them in their mission giving them courage and strength.As followers of Christ, we are called to pray together not only in the Church but also at home.Once after his sister’s baptism, the brother began to cry and his parents asked him, “why do you cry. Your sister was baptized and is fine”. He said, “did you notice that the priest was saying that children should be raised in Christian homes but I like to live with you guys”.Christian home is one where people pray together and experience the love of God by giving and forgiving one another.And Jesus also asked his disciples not to take anything except some necessary things for their journey. Yes, they took with them love, faith and hope. They were not afraid of journeying because Jesus was accompanying them.One a man asked a spiritual master, “master, why do you leave the house wide opened, every time you leave the house?”The master said, “there is nothing to be afraid of because I am the only precious thing or person in the house”Jesus by giving his blessing made his disciples precious and important.

And we are always precious to him. When we specially follow the lord and preach the good news to all, we are not alone the Lord who was, who is and who will be is always with us. Amen.