Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The golden commandments

In today’s gospel, Jesus gives us the golden commandments saying , ‘love god with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself’.
What about the ten commandments? If we keep these two commandments, then it is easier to keep all other commandments.

Once a mother’s three sons decided to something big for their mother and let her know that they love her so much. So the first son bought a beautiful house and the second son bought a big expensive car and a third son presented her with a parrot that could recite the whole bible.
Some days later, they all got a letter from their mom. For the first son, she said, “son , thank you for your love and since I am living alone, I can’t live in the big house . Please keep the house”. And for the second son, she said, “Son, I am getting old and I am not driving anymore and you may keep the expensive car“. Then she wrote the third son who gave her a parrot that can recite the whole bible, “son, thank you for your love and I love your present and you are the only son who know what the mother wants and by the way… the bird was delicious”.

Why should we love God? Because we belong to Him and He is our Father. We may go away from him like the prodigal son but when we come back, he is not going to say “no” to us but instead he will shower us with love and kindness. That is our God.

The Muslims pray to God five times a day and the Hindus p ray to God three times a day and Buddhists pray to God morning and evening and what about we who follow Jesus, we should make our whole life a prayer, and come to know that we belong to Him.

Once a mother said to her son who did not want to go to church. “son, I have three reasons to ask you to go to church. The first one is that all our ancestors practiced their faith and went to church so you should go to church and the second reason is your dad and I go to church, your siblings are going to church and you should too. The son who was annoyed at that asked what was the third reason, the mother looked at him and said, “you should go to church because you are the pastor of the church”

Dear friends, every time we come to church, we get closer to god and begin to know the love and kindness of god and we will become the god we believe, yes, we will love him totally.
Jesus asks us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Once Genie appeared to a man and said, “ask me anything you want and I will give you but with one condition, your neighbour will get twice as much, yes it will be doubled and what you want?” the man thought for a second and said, “Just beat me to half dead”.

It is very hard to love others. Once a man said, “I love humanity but hate individuals”. But Christianity is about prodigal sons and good Samaritans. We are social beings and we are called to realize Jesus’ love and forgiveness through others. Only by loving others, we can complete our Christian call.

Once a rabbi visited a Catholic monastery and while he was staying there, the head monk said to him, “ every body keeps leaving the monastery and people who used to come here for Mass are not coming anymore and we do not know what to do. We have only five monks are left here”. The rabbi listened to him and before he was leaving, he called the five monks together and said, “ by the way, I had a vision yesterday and there is a Messiah living among you and one of you is that Messiah”. when they heard that one of them was the Messiah, their approach towards each other changed. they began to respect others thinking he would be the Messiah and as well they treated themselves well thinking they would be the Messiah and thus things changed so fast. Many men joined the monastery wanting to become monks and people who stopped coming to the monastery began to come there. Yes, where there is love, there is God.

When we begin to respect and love others as though they were the Messiah, then the world will become a beautiful place to live. Let us keep the golden commandments of Christ by loving God and neighbour. Amen.

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