Thursday, October 15, 2020

29 sunday- mission sunday



Today we celebrate ‘mission Sunday”. On this day, we are called in a special way to pray for all our missionaries around the world. Let us remember them for their dedication and sacrifice to spread the Good news of salvation to all. Let us pray and remember that God may continue to protect them in their mission work.

Once a man prayed to God saying, “Dear God, the world is becoming a challenging place. Everything is getting bad and even because of corona, so many people are hesitant to practice their faith. Please send some one to bring your love and kindness to all”. That night God appeared to him and said, “I have already sent someone”. The man said, “who is that person, Lord”. God looked at him and said, “you are that person”.

By the very nature of Baptism, we are all called to become missionaries. We are called to share the love and kindness of God almighty and we are called to give hope and strength to people especially during this time.

In today’s gospel, our Lord Jesus Christ says, “Give it to Caesar what belongs to Him and Give God the things that belong to him. That enigmatic sentence increases our curiosity. What belongs to God then? You belong to God. We belong to God.

Once we know that we belong to God and God alone. And we are called to give ourselves to Him and thus become missionaries of Good news of salvation at home and abroad. God bless. Amen