When I asked children once about where we get the host or the Altar bread, right away, they answered, "From Walmart". Becasue children think that everything comes from Walmart. I think I should stop going to Walmart with another priest. Because, the last he entered without realizing, he knelt before toilett papers and blessed himself and since I followed him, I did the same. Once after having practice for first communion, I asked them, how
the altar bread tasted? they all said, "It tasted like cardboard". I was not happy at all. So I told their parents not to feed their children with cardboard.
When Blessed Mother Teresa was asked about her amazing energy and strenght to do great things for the poor and the needy. She said, "My energy and strength come from Christ in the Holy Eucharist".
In his last years, St. Vianney preached only three words indicating the tabernacle said, "There is Jesus....there is Jesus" and then he began to cry and so did the people.
The courageous chinese archbishop Dominic Tang who was imprisoned for twenty-one years for nothing more than his faithfulness and loyalty to Christ and the Holy Catholic Church. After five years in the solitary confinement, he was allowed to leave the cell for few hours thinking that he would call his family or friends or go for a walk. Do you know what he did. He used that few hours to say Mass.
In 1969 as Niel Armstrong stepped onto the Moon's surface saying, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", Buzz Aldrin before decending on the moon, consumed the body of Christ that he took with him in a small pyx reading from the scriptures, "I am the vine and you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit".
There is a non-canonical story that goes like this... once God wanted to see what was the pressing needs of His people, so He sent His angels to find out. After some days, they all came back with one demand. They all said that people are in need of food, in need of water. They want to know the truth, the way to come to God and so on... So God said, "I will send my only Son who will satisfy the needs of all people". Yes, Jesus nourishes us with His words and heals us with His miracles. Anyone who goes to Him will have life everlasting.
Those who were hungry in the wilderness were fed with manna. And what happened to them? They all died and persihed. Because Manna satistied only their physical needs but in the gospels, Christ says that anyone who eats His flesh will never die but be given everlasting life. He says, "Ego Sum Panis Vite" namely I am the bread of life.
Everytime we receive the body of Christ in the hand or on the tongue, we promise Christ, "Christ Jesus, I will become your hand and helping others in need and when we receive look at the Holy Eucharist the body of christ, we say to Christ, Christ I will become your eyes and help others to see higher things spiritual things and when we consume the body of Christ, we promise Christ, "Christ, I will pronounce only your words to those who are oppressed and outcasts and I will bring back those who are scattered and thus, we become another Christ in the world filled with challenges, spiritual toughness.
Like the people of today's gospel, we too come to the Lord empty handed. We come to Him with our sinfulness and short-comings and Christ who loves us so much is not going to send us away saying, "you are a sinner and do not come to me" instead, He is asking us to participate in the banquate saying, "Though you went away from me, though you fell into the same sin again and again, I love you so much. Come and eat my flesh and you will have life that will never end".
Every time, we eat the Holy Eucharist, we witness Eucharistic miracle. Yes we are His Eucharistic miracle. As the body of Christ touches our body, soul and mind and heart, we become a symbol of his love and kindness; we become a symbol of His forgiveness and acceptence. Yes, we become His miracle. we are called the Eucharistic miracle of Christ today.
After composing the beautifu hymn of Tantum ergo Sacramentum to vererate the most Blessed Sacrament, St. Thomas Acquinas was not happy, thinking that he did not do a good job, he placed the hymn at the foot of the cross and praying and Jesus himself appeared to him saying, "Thomas, you wrote well. Now ask me anything you want. Thomas said, "Jesus, I don't want anything but yourself..." Dear friends, Every time we come to Church, every time we receive the sacrament and everytime we do anything in His name, all we have to say is..."Jesus, I don't want anything no fame, no money...but give me yourself...the highest gifts of all.
God is not a distant reality. He is with us and he is infinitely in love with us. Every year, we do lose so many people from our Catholic Church. They leave the Church in search of Christ and they want to have deeper encounter with Christ and it is our time to help them to face Christ every day. So let recieve the body of Christ and become new spiritual creatures. Amen.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Holy Trinity Sunday.
Good morning/evening everyone, I am so happy to welcome you all for today's Holy Mass and our special welcome to all our summer parishioners, visitors and every one here today.
I am so happy to see so many fresh people. I remember calling summer parishioners 'fresh' I got into troule once, after Mass some people came to me and said, "So Father, you call the regular parishioners , 'left overs'.
Today the Holy Catholic Church celebrates 'Holy Trinity Sunday'. About hundred years ago, after Mass a little child pointed out me to her grandma and said, "Look...He is Jesus...He is Jesus". I was so horrified and looked at her grandma and said, "Please tell your grandchild, I am not the Son but the Father".
Dear friends, every time, we come to church, we deepen our faith in the Holy Trinity, we are given a special blessing to know the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Every time, we are abundantly blessed by the Tnity in whose neame we were all baptized.
Once a bishop went to a parish to do confirmation and as he looked at the children, asked, "Waht is holy trinity". They said, "God is one. The Father is God. The Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God but not three gods but one God.... one nature but three different persons". The bishop who was hard of hearing said, "I don't understand what you are saying". Then a man who was standing next to the bishop said, "Bishop, you are not suppossed to usderstand because it is a mystery".
When it comes with is to believe not to analize and to understand. The classical story about a saint who tried to analize and try to understand was St. Augustine. As he was thinking about the three persons with one nature, one essence and one substance namely omoousis. As he walked by a seashore oneday, he noticed a child taking water from the sea pouring it on the shore with the seashell. He asked what the child was doing. The child said, "I am going to take all the water from the sea and pour it on the shore with this seashell" The saint was lauging at the child sayinng 'impossible'. Then the child looked at him saying, "then how is it possible with your limited mind to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity". The story is not only about the Holy Trinity but it is about the interest and spiritual intensity of the saint. As we deepen our faith in God, things will be revealed to us.
1. The Father is God who is our Creator:
Once a group of scintists said to each other, "We do amazing things these days. We make and remake. We shape things to perfection and we do not need God any more". So they called God and said, "God, we can do anything and everything and we do not need you any longer..." So God looked at them and said, "then you may go your way and by the way, can you make people like I did. They said, "Of course". So one of them, bend down and took a handful of dirt to make man and that time God stopped him saying, "that's my dirt and get your own".
God is the Lover who created everything and He made us in His own image and likeness, so that we may reflect Him in our words and actions and we may at last return home to be with Him for ever.
2. The Son is God who is our redeemer:
Once a woman came to St. John Marie Vienni and said, "Father, I am so afraid that my husband who jumped off the bridge is in everlasting punshment now because he killed himself and there is no salvation for those who do these things'. The saint looked at her and said, "Rememer... there was a space between the bride and the ground and your husband might have called on the name of the Lord and who are we to judge. Even at the last moment, there is salvation". Christ our Lord came to redeem and give us life. He has the same nature that of the Father. The Father and the Son are the same. The Redeemer expresses the Creator's love.
3. The Holy Spirit is God who is the Sanctifier:
Once a bishop went to little Island where three monks lived away from people. He noticed that they did not even know the Our Father prayer. So he spent some time with them teaching the our father prayer. But when his small boat leaf the island and was back in the open sea, he suddenly noticed ther three monks walking on water cried out to him saying, "Dear bishop, we forgot the Lord's prayer you taught us". The bishop overwhelmed by what he was seeing and hearing asked them, 'then how do you pray all these years? They said, "We just say, there are three of us and there are three of you, have mercy on us". The bishop who was so impressed by their simplicity then said, "Go and continue to pray like that, you are all already sactified".
Conclusion: God is one and He is our Father, He is our Redeemer and He is our Sanctifier. As we bless ourselves let us be concious of His presence. The Father...the Son and the Holy Spirit". Amen.
Good morning/evening everyone, I am so happy to welcome you all for today's Holy Mass and our special welcome to all our summer parishioners, visitors and every one here today.
I am so happy to see so many fresh people. I remember calling summer parishioners 'fresh' I got into troule once, after Mass some people came to me and said, "So Father, you call the regular parishioners , 'left overs'.
Today the Holy Catholic Church celebrates 'Holy Trinity Sunday'. About hundred years ago, after Mass a little child pointed out me to her grandma and said, "Look...He is Jesus...He is Jesus". I was so horrified and looked at her grandma and said, "Please tell your grandchild, I am not the Son but the Father".
Dear friends, every time, we come to church, we deepen our faith in the Holy Trinity, we are given a special blessing to know the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Every time, we are abundantly blessed by the Tnity in whose neame we were all baptized.
Once a bishop went to a parish to do confirmation and as he looked at the children, asked, "Waht is holy trinity". They said, "God is one. The Father is God. The Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God but not three gods but one God.... one nature but three different persons". The bishop who was hard of hearing said, "I don't understand what you are saying". Then a man who was standing next to the bishop said, "Bishop, you are not suppossed to usderstand because it is a mystery".
When it comes with is to believe not to analize and to understand. The classical story about a saint who tried to analize and try to understand was St. Augustine. As he was thinking about the three persons with one nature, one essence and one substance namely omoousis. As he walked by a seashore oneday, he noticed a child taking water from the sea pouring it on the shore with the seashell. He asked what the child was doing. The child said, "I am going to take all the water from the sea and pour it on the shore with this seashell" The saint was lauging at the child sayinng 'impossible'. Then the child looked at him saying, "then how is it possible with your limited mind to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity". The story is not only about the Holy Trinity but it is about the interest and spiritual intensity of the saint. As we deepen our faith in God, things will be revealed to us.
1. The Father is God who is our Creator:
Once a group of scintists said to each other, "We do amazing things these days. We make and remake. We shape things to perfection and we do not need God any more". So they called God and said, "God, we can do anything and everything and we do not need you any longer..." So God looked at them and said, "then you may go your way and by the way, can you make people like I did. They said, "Of course". So one of them, bend down and took a handful of dirt to make man and that time God stopped him saying, "that's my dirt and get your own".
God is the Lover who created everything and He made us in His own image and likeness, so that we may reflect Him in our words and actions and we may at last return home to be with Him for ever.
2. The Son is God who is our redeemer:
Once a woman came to St. John Marie Vienni and said, "Father, I am so afraid that my husband who jumped off the bridge is in everlasting punshment now because he killed himself and there is no salvation for those who do these things'. The saint looked at her and said, "Rememer... there was a space between the bride and the ground and your husband might have called on the name of the Lord and who are we to judge. Even at the last moment, there is salvation". Christ our Lord came to redeem and give us life. He has the same nature that of the Father. The Father and the Son are the same. The Redeemer expresses the Creator's love.
3. The Holy Spirit is God who is the Sanctifier:
Once a bishop went to little Island where three monks lived away from people. He noticed that they did not even know the Our Father prayer. So he spent some time with them teaching the our father prayer. But when his small boat leaf the island and was back in the open sea, he suddenly noticed ther three monks walking on water cried out to him saying, "Dear bishop, we forgot the Lord's prayer you taught us". The bishop overwhelmed by what he was seeing and hearing asked them, 'then how do you pray all these years? They said, "We just say, there are three of us and there are three of you, have mercy on us". The bishop who was so impressed by their simplicity then said, "Go and continue to pray like that, you are all already sactified".
Conclusion: God is one and He is our Father, He is our Redeemer and He is our Sanctifier. As we bless ourselves let us be concious of His presence. The Father...the Son and the Holy Spirit". Amen.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Pentecost-the power of the Holy Spirit
Once a mother asked her son about his sunday school. The son said, "The priest said that we don't need to be afraid. We are all going to get our quilt". When the mother who was confused, met the priest and asked about the sunday school lesson and the priest said, "The lession is be not afraid. The comforter is coming".
Once a priest decided to do something different for Pentecost becuase it is about the Holy Spirit. Dove is a symbol of the Spirit. So he asked a little boy to go up to the choir lot and throw down a pigeon while he was saying, "Down came the Spirit". The priest said three times, "Down came the Spirit". But nothing happened. Finally, there came a small voice from the choir lot, "The cat ate the bird. Shall I throw down the cat?"
Today the Holy Catholic Church-the Mother Church celebrates Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost means fiftieth day. Fifty days after the glorious Resurrection of Christ our Lord, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire on the Apostles and on all who believed in the Risen Christ.
1. After His glorious Resurrection, the Messiah appeared to His believers for forty days and on the fortieth day, in the presence of all His believers, He was taken up to heaven. While He was with them, He said, "Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift that my Father promised. For John baptized with water, but in few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus words were fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. The disciples of Christ were all filled with the Holy Spirit and the apostle Peter preached his first sermon, urging the crowd to repent and believe in Christ Jesus. On the day of Pentecost about three thousand people were baptized and became people of God.
2. Once Mother Teresa was asked by a visitor, "Mother, by the way. "Is not hard to learn the language of these people whom you are serving?" Mother Teresa said, "No...Not at all. We communicate with our hearts, with our smile and with our faith".
When the Holy Spirit came upon them, the Apostles began to speak in many languages. Everyone understood them perfectly. They talked to them the purpose of God sending His only Son. Thus they all experienced healing and wonder of Christ our Lord.
3. Once a teacher asked her school children to name the gift they possessed from the Holy Spirt. Everybody discovered their gifts except one boy. The teacher asked him, "Joe, don't you have any gift?" The boy aid, " I am not going to be worried about it right now because I have enough patience".
Conclusion: We are all blessed with many gifts from the Holy Spirit-the comforter, the life giver, the advocate and the mover of life. When we use our gifts, they will be multiplied into million fold. Yes, as we use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to improve ourselves and others, every day becomes Pentecost. Let us celebrate Pentecost every day. Amen.
Once a mother asked her son about his sunday school. The son said, "The priest said that we don't need to be afraid. We are all going to get our quilt". When the mother who was confused, met the priest and asked about the sunday school lesson and the priest said, "The lession is be not afraid. The comforter is coming".
Once a priest decided to do something different for Pentecost becuase it is about the Holy Spirit. Dove is a symbol of the Spirit. So he asked a little boy to go up to the choir lot and throw down a pigeon while he was saying, "Down came the Spirit". The priest said three times, "Down came the Spirit". But nothing happened. Finally, there came a small voice from the choir lot, "The cat ate the bird. Shall I throw down the cat?"
Today the Holy Catholic Church-the Mother Church celebrates Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost means fiftieth day. Fifty days after the glorious Resurrection of Christ our Lord, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire on the Apostles and on all who believed in the Risen Christ.
1. After His glorious Resurrection, the Messiah appeared to His believers for forty days and on the fortieth day, in the presence of all His believers, He was taken up to heaven. While He was with them, He said, "Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift that my Father promised. For John baptized with water, but in few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus words were fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. The disciples of Christ were all filled with the Holy Spirit and the apostle Peter preached his first sermon, urging the crowd to repent and believe in Christ Jesus. On the day of Pentecost about three thousand people were baptized and became people of God.
2. Once Mother Teresa was asked by a visitor, "Mother, by the way. "Is not hard to learn the language of these people whom you are serving?" Mother Teresa said, "No...Not at all. We communicate with our hearts, with our smile and with our faith".
When the Holy Spirit came upon them, the Apostles began to speak in many languages. Everyone understood them perfectly. They talked to them the purpose of God sending His only Son. Thus they all experienced healing and wonder of Christ our Lord.
3. Once a teacher asked her school children to name the gift they possessed from the Holy Spirt. Everybody discovered their gifts except one boy. The teacher asked him, "Joe, don't you have any gift?" The boy aid, " I am not going to be worried about it right now because I have enough patience".
Conclusion: We are all blessed with many gifts from the Holy Spirit-the comforter, the life giver, the advocate and the mover of life. When we use our gifts, they will be multiplied into million fold. Yes, as we use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to improve ourselves and others, every day becomes Pentecost. Let us celebrate Pentecost every day. Amen.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Ascension and mothers day
Good morning/evening every one, I am so happy to welcome you all for today's Holy Mass. Today let us thank God for all our mothers who sacrefice so much for our welfare and growth and let us thank God for every womna who promotes justice and peace; love and harmony of God by her very presence.
Once three sons decided to do something big for their mother. So the first son bought a very expensive house and the second son an expensive sporty Lamberghi car and the third son spent all his money and bought a parrot that could recite the whole bible. All the mother has to say is any of the bible author and the parrot could recite the book.
The mother then wrote a thank you note to every one of them. She said to the first one, "Son, thank you but I don't want to look after a huge house in my age, so I can not accept your gift. But anyhow thank you for your love". To the second son, she said, "Son, I don't even drive and I can not accept your gift. I can not accept your gift but thank you very much'. To the third son she said, "Son, you are the best and you know what a mother wants...thank you so much and by the way, the bird was so delicious".
Motherhood is a very high calling. Their sacrifice and love; their dedication and self-giving are beyond measure. Because of mothers, the world is a better place today and it is because of mothers, children become stronger.
Once a little boy forgot his lines in the school program in which he was participating. His mother who was sitting in the front row, helped him whispering, "say, I am the light of the world". The boy was so happy because he got the line and said proudly, "My mother is the light of the world". Mothers radiate divine peace and serenity in the world. They sacrifice their happiness and joy for their families and children. And that is why God's love is compared to that of a mother.
once a Sunday school teacher looked at one of the boys and asked, "Joe, tell me do you really pray before meals at home?' Joe said, "No...Sir.." Teacher asked, "why don't you prayer before meal?" And Joe with innocent look answered, "Because my mom is a good cook". Mothers know their children's needs and wants.
What do mothers want? They do not want anything for themselves. All they want is their family to be happy. Yes, they do not want anything for themselves and all they want is their children to grow stronger in every single way and they do not want anything for themselves and all they want is the better world for everyone.
Today we celebrate the glorious feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christ our Lord was taken up to heaven surrounded by angels, He left behind two mothers to look after our mothers. Yes, universal Mother the Holy Catholic Church and our spiritual Mother Blessed Virgin Mary. And Christ our Lord is now sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding for the needs of us and helping us through the universal mother and our spiritual Mother. So let us pray for all our physical mothers through our universal mother the Holy Catholic Church and our spiritual Mother Blessed Lady. Amen.
Good morning/evening every one, I am so happy to welcome you all for today's Holy Mass. Today let us thank God for all our mothers who sacrefice so much for our welfare and growth and let us thank God for every womna who promotes justice and peace; love and harmony of God by her very presence.
Once three sons decided to do something big for their mother. So the first son bought a very expensive house and the second son an expensive sporty Lamberghi car and the third son spent all his money and bought a parrot that could recite the whole bible. All the mother has to say is any of the bible author and the parrot could recite the book.
The mother then wrote a thank you note to every one of them. She said to the first one, "Son, thank you but I don't want to look after a huge house in my age, so I can not accept your gift. But anyhow thank you for your love". To the second son, she said, "Son, I don't even drive and I can not accept your gift. I can not accept your gift but thank you very much'. To the third son she said, "Son, you are the best and you know what a mother wants...thank you so much and by the way, the bird was so delicious".
Motherhood is a very high calling. Their sacrifice and love; their dedication and self-giving are beyond measure. Because of mothers, the world is a better place today and it is because of mothers, children become stronger.
Once a little boy forgot his lines in the school program in which he was participating. His mother who was sitting in the front row, helped him whispering, "say, I am the light of the world". The boy was so happy because he got the line and said proudly, "My mother is the light of the world". Mothers radiate divine peace and serenity in the world. They sacrifice their happiness and joy for their families and children. And that is why God's love is compared to that of a mother.
once a Sunday school teacher looked at one of the boys and asked, "Joe, tell me do you really pray before meals at home?' Joe said, "No...Sir.." Teacher asked, "why don't you prayer before meal?" And Joe with innocent look answered, "Because my mom is a good cook". Mothers know their children's needs and wants.
What do mothers want? They do not want anything for themselves. All they want is their family to be happy. Yes, they do not want anything for themselves and all they want is their children to grow stronger in every single way and they do not want anything for themselves and all they want is the better world for everyone.
Today we celebrate the glorious feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christ our Lord was taken up to heaven surrounded by angels, He left behind two mothers to look after our mothers. Yes, universal Mother the Holy Catholic Church and our spiritual Mother Blessed Virgin Mary. And Christ our Lord is now sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding for the needs of us and helping us through the universal mother and our spiritual Mother. So let us pray for all our physical mothers through our universal mother the Holy Catholic Church and our spiritual Mother Blessed Lady. Amen.
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