4th Sunday in advent
Good morning everyone, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Today we celebrate the fourth Sunday in Advent. This Sunday is called peace Sunday; yes the prince of peace is coming to give us eternal and spiritual peace. His peace brings life, way and truth to all. His peace brings light to the world and anyone who walks in the light of Christ will never see darkness. He will be given unending life and happiness.
Today’s gospel speaks about the visitation of our blessed Virgin to her relative Elizabeth in a Judean hill country. Before Her visitation, the annunciation of the Lord happens. The angel Gabriel comes to our Blessed Virgin Mary and announces the glad tiding saying, “Hail Mary, full of grace and the Lord is with you”. When Mary heard the angel’s greeting, she was confused and was perplexed saying to herself, ‘what sort of greeting this might be”. The confusion happened not because she did not want to become the handmaid of the Lord or carry out divine mission; it is because she was humbling herself before the Lord.
Humility is a virtue that connects us with God. Because of humility, we begin to love God more and more and we come to know that He is looking after us twenty-four seven.
When Mary was confused and was hesitating, the angel Gabriel said, ‘Do not be afraid Mary… God is with you”. She continued saying, “how is it possible, I the lowly person will become the mother of God. And I am Virgin…” The angel said, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you. By the power of God, you will become virgin mother”.
As Mary listened to the words of the Angel, she completely surrendered herself to God saying, ‘I am the handmaid of God, let it be done according to His will”.
The response of Mary reminds us of the wise man who asked Jesus, ‘Master, we have all the ten commandments and which is the best of all?” Jesus said, “The first commandment is love your God with all your hearts, with all your strengths, with all your body, mind and spirit…”
Yes, Mary loved God with all her mind, body and soul and thus God elevated her to become the mother of God.
When we love God with who we are, we will become bearers of Christ our Lord. We will become His mothers, His brothers, His sisters and we will become Christ’s messengers.
In today’s gospel, we heard the story of the visitation of Mary. As she received the good news of becoming the mother of God, Mary did not become housebound instead the gospel says, “Mary arose in those days and she hurried to the hill country of Judea where she met with her relative Elizabeth.
Here we may recall the second commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “The second commandment is love your neighbor as yourself”. Yes, Mary who experienced the love of God began to help others. She rushed all the way to Judean hill country to help Elizabeth.
Elizabeth who saw Mary recognized the presence of God and began to praise her saying, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb”.
Here we understand how the first part of the Hail Mary prayer was coined or formed. The angel said, “ Hail Mary full of grace and the Lord is with thee”. Then Elizabeth said, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb”. Then the Holy Catholic Church added the second part of the prayer saying, “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners…now and the hour of our death”.
As we meditate upon the annunciation and the visitation of our Blessed Mary, the one person who comes into our mind is Blessed Mother Theresa. (continued)
Saturday, December 29, 2012
HOly Family
Holy Family
Good morning everyone, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we celebrate Christ our Lord who is the source of every human family, every time we come to church, we celebrate Christ who increases peace and serenity; happiness and joy in every family and every time we come to church we celebrate Christ who instituted human family by the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Once on the feast of the Holy family, a priest invited one of his parishioners called Paul in front of the whole congregation and looked at the people and said, ‘In two weeks, Paul is going to celebrate his fiftieth wedding anniversary. These days people are struggling to be with each other and hold on to their commitment but this man for fifty years, living a committed married life”. Then he looked at Paul and asked, “Paul by the way what did you do for your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary?” Paul was so happy and looked at the people and the priest and said, “I took my wife to France and thus she had a chance to visit her parents and siblings”. The priest and the people clapped their hands and then the priest looked at Paul and asked, “What you are going to do for your fiftieth wedding anniversary?” Paul was so happy and proud and looked at the people and the priest and said, ‘I am going back to France to pick my wife up”.
Today the Holy Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Holy family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. In this family, we first meet with Mary and Joseph who were spiritual people. They both strongly believed in the love and kindness of God and they practiced their faith. They both were blessed to have an angle come to them. They often had ultra spiritual experience.
They both were community-oriented people. Yes, because of their faith in God, they extended themselves in helping others. For example, Blessed Virgin Mary went all the way from Nazareth to Judea to help Elizabeth. When Jesus came to His hometown with His apostles for the first time, people began to say to each other, “We know His Father Joseph and we know His mother Mary…” Every body knew Joseph and Mary in the community. They were known for their faith in God and their generosity towards others.
And the both were good parents. Though they knew Jesus was the Son of the Father, the divine son, God, they did their duty as parents. For example, when Jesus disappeared at the temple, they did not hesitate to question Jesus. Mary looked at Jesus and asked, “Son, why did you do this to us?”
At Cana, when people did not have enough wine, Mary asked Jesus to help them. And Jesus our Lord listened to His parents and thus grew in wisdom and knowledge.
Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The Holy family is called the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph not Joseph, Mary and Jesus. We put Jesus as the head of the family then only a family becomes Holy. When Jesus is in the center of the family, then it becomes holy. When everything in a family revolves around Jesus, then the family becomes holy. Nothing can exist and can give meaning without Jesus. Jesus is the maker of every family. Today let us renew our faith and keep Christ in our families. Let us renew ourselves in the presence of God and keep Christ as the only head of the family. Amen.
Good morning everyone, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we celebrate Christ our Lord who is the source of every human family, every time we come to church, we celebrate Christ who increases peace and serenity; happiness and joy in every family and every time we come to church we celebrate Christ who instituted human family by the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Once on the feast of the Holy family, a priest invited one of his parishioners called Paul in front of the whole congregation and looked at the people and said, ‘In two weeks, Paul is going to celebrate his fiftieth wedding anniversary. These days people are struggling to be with each other and hold on to their commitment but this man for fifty years, living a committed married life”. Then he looked at Paul and asked, “Paul by the way what did you do for your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary?” Paul was so happy and looked at the people and the priest and said, “I took my wife to France and thus she had a chance to visit her parents and siblings”. The priest and the people clapped their hands and then the priest looked at Paul and asked, “What you are going to do for your fiftieth wedding anniversary?” Paul was so happy and proud and looked at the people and the priest and said, ‘I am going back to France to pick my wife up”.
Today the Holy Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Holy family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. In this family, we first meet with Mary and Joseph who were spiritual people. They both strongly believed in the love and kindness of God and they practiced their faith. They both were blessed to have an angle come to them. They often had ultra spiritual experience.
They both were community-oriented people. Yes, because of their faith in God, they extended themselves in helping others. For example, Blessed Virgin Mary went all the way from Nazareth to Judea to help Elizabeth. When Jesus came to His hometown with His apostles for the first time, people began to say to each other, “We know His Father Joseph and we know His mother Mary…” Every body knew Joseph and Mary in the community. They were known for their faith in God and their generosity towards others.
And the both were good parents. Though they knew Jesus was the Son of the Father, the divine son, God, they did their duty as parents. For example, when Jesus disappeared at the temple, they did not hesitate to question Jesus. Mary looked at Jesus and asked, “Son, why did you do this to us?”
At Cana, when people did not have enough wine, Mary asked Jesus to help them. And Jesus our Lord listened to His parents and thus grew in wisdom and knowledge.
Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The Holy family is called the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph not Joseph, Mary and Jesus. We put Jesus as the head of the family then only a family becomes Holy. When Jesus is in the center of the family, then it becomes holy. When everything in a family revolves around Jesus, then the family becomes holy. Nothing can exist and can give meaning without Jesus. Jesus is the maker of every family. Today let us renew our faith and keep Christ in our families. Let us renew ourselves in the presence of God and keep Christ as the only head of the family. Amen.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Good evening every one, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Christmas Eve Mass celebration. Today we celebrate the biggest event that ever happened in human history, the unimaginable thing; yes God the Creator, the Source of all became human and lived among us like you and me. Today’s celebration of the glorious event of the birth of Christ the Only Son of God tells us that God never abandons His people and He will not leave anyone alone. His love surpasses everything.
When His own chosen people whom He loved without condition went away from Him, when His own people faced with pain and difficulties; when His own people began to worship false gods and rejected His mercy and compassion, God the Father did not abandon them. He knew people’s condition. He knew people were weak and fragile and He knew that they would come back to Him. And in order to bring them back to Him, He sent His kings, prophets, Holy men and women to them. Then at last, as the expression of His unconditional love, God sent His Only Son Jesus Christ Our Lord through whom everything came to exist and for whom everything was created. Yes, God sent His Son the Redeemer Jesus our Lord.
Jesus who was born in Bethlehem lived with poor, outcaste and rejected people and at the age of twelve, He manifested divine love at the temple in Jerusalem telling all the teachers, wise men and Pharisees and Sadducees that God loves everyone and everyone belongs to the kingdom of God.
At the age of thirty while He was baptized, the heavens opened and there came a voice saying to all, “this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him alone”. Then Christ our Lord with His disciples went everywhere preaching the Good News of Salvation to all. Jesus again and again says in the gospels that anyone who follows Him will have life everlasting and they will be with God Father forever.
Dear friends, every time we celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus our Lord, we celebrate our birth, we celebrate our joy and happiness. Jesus is our Lord and Saviour. Today we celebrate our new life in Child Jesus. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we celebrate Christ’s birth, every time we receive anyone of the churches sacraments, we celebrate His life and every time we come here, we become like Christ our Lord, yes we become the God we worship. Today, what is our gift to child Jesus? Since everything what we see and have belongs to Him and what can we possibly give Him? We can give ourselves. Yes, we are the precious gift for Him. Let us give ourselves to child Jesus and join the angels and the shepherd and sing, “Glory to God in the Highest and peace to people of good will”. Amen.
Good evening every one, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Christmas Eve Mass celebration. Today we celebrate the biggest event that ever happened in human history, the unimaginable thing; yes God the Creator, the Source of all became human and lived among us like you and me. Today’s celebration of the glorious event of the birth of Christ the Only Son of God tells us that God never abandons His people and He will not leave anyone alone. His love surpasses everything.
When His own chosen people whom He loved without condition went away from Him, when His own people faced with pain and difficulties; when His own people began to worship false gods and rejected His mercy and compassion, God the Father did not abandon them. He knew people’s condition. He knew people were weak and fragile and He knew that they would come back to Him. And in order to bring them back to Him, He sent His kings, prophets, Holy men and women to them. Then at last, as the expression of His unconditional love, God sent His Only Son Jesus Christ Our Lord through whom everything came to exist and for whom everything was created. Yes, God sent His Son the Redeemer Jesus our Lord.
Jesus who was born in Bethlehem lived with poor, outcaste and rejected people and at the age of twelve, He manifested divine love at the temple in Jerusalem telling all the teachers, wise men and Pharisees and Sadducees that God loves everyone and everyone belongs to the kingdom of God.
At the age of thirty while He was baptized, the heavens opened and there came a voice saying to all, “this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him alone”. Then Christ our Lord with His disciples went everywhere preaching the Good News of Salvation to all. Jesus again and again says in the gospels that anyone who follows Him will have life everlasting and they will be with God Father forever.
Dear friends, every time we celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus our Lord, we celebrate our birth, we celebrate our joy and happiness. Jesus is our Lord and Saviour. Today we celebrate our new life in Child Jesus. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we celebrate Christ’s birth, every time we receive anyone of the churches sacraments, we celebrate His life and every time we come here, we become like Christ our Lord, yes we become the God we worship. Today, what is our gift to child Jesus? Since everything what we see and have belongs to Him and what can we possibly give Him? We can give ourselves. Yes, we are the precious gift for Him. Let us give ourselves to child Jesus and join the angels and the shepherd and sing, “Glory to God in the Highest and peace to people of good will”. Amen.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Third sunday in Advent
The third Sunday in Advent-C
Dear friends in Christ, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Today we celebrate the third Sunday in Advent. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we recognize the presence of Christ our Lord in the sacraments that He instituted for our spiritual development and we recognized Him in our brothers and sisters in need and every time we come to Church, we recognize Christ our Lord in our prayers and spiritual intentions.
Today we celebrate the third Sunday called “joyful Sunday”. It is called joyful Sunday because Christ the Light of the world is coming to give us unending life and joy. The gospel says that Mary arose in those days and went with haste to the hill country of Judea to be with Elizabeth her relative. As she was filled with the Holy Spirit, Mary recognized the importance of being with others and extended her help to people in need. The very presence of God motivated her to leave behind certain things and go to distant land to help Elizabeth. When Elizabeth recognized the presence of God with Mary, the child in her womb leaped for joy. Elizabeth who was filled with the power of the Spirit acclaimed with a loud voice saying, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb”.
As we come to Church, we recognize the presence of Christ our Lord in the sacraments. The very recognition of the presence of Christ helps us to leave behind certain things and hold on to Him who is full of love and kindness. Yes, the sacraments teach us that we are here only temporarily. This is not our home and we belong to the eternal home called heaven where we shall see our God face to face and celebrate life without end. The very recognition of Christ in the sacrament helps us to leave behind certain things namely the things that hinder us from going to Him, they can be physical or emotional challenges. They can be material or world things. As we leave behind like Mary we too get up and go to others in need.
The result of recognizing Christ in the sacrament leads us to others, because we find the image and likeness of God our father in each and every one of human being. As we help others, we find more of Christ’s love and kindness; His compassion and forgiveness overflowing everywhere. There will be a mutual recognition of Christ in us. As Mary went to Elizabeth; Elizabeth also found Christ in Mary. Thus we all begin to celebrate God in us.
As we help others, we then begin to pray more and do more spiritual practices. We begin to recognize our spiritual side and begin to thank God for everything. Yes, this third Sunday invites us to know that we belong to God alone. So as we are going to receive a special anointing for healing and reconciliation, let us thank God for sending His only Son Christ among us and let us thank Him for helping us to deepen our faith in Him each and every day in Christ our Lord. Amen.
Dear friends in Christ, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Today we celebrate the third Sunday in Advent. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we recognize the presence of Christ our Lord in the sacraments that He instituted for our spiritual development and we recognized Him in our brothers and sisters in need and every time we come to Church, we recognize Christ our Lord in our prayers and spiritual intentions.
Today we celebrate the third Sunday called “joyful Sunday”. It is called joyful Sunday because Christ the Light of the world is coming to give us unending life and joy. The gospel says that Mary arose in those days and went with haste to the hill country of Judea to be with Elizabeth her relative. As she was filled with the Holy Spirit, Mary recognized the importance of being with others and extended her help to people in need. The very presence of God motivated her to leave behind certain things and go to distant land to help Elizabeth. When Elizabeth recognized the presence of God with Mary, the child in her womb leaped for joy. Elizabeth who was filled with the power of the Spirit acclaimed with a loud voice saying, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb”.
As we come to Church, we recognize the presence of Christ our Lord in the sacraments. The very recognition of the presence of Christ helps us to leave behind certain things and hold on to Him who is full of love and kindness. Yes, the sacraments teach us that we are here only temporarily. This is not our home and we belong to the eternal home called heaven where we shall see our God face to face and celebrate life without end. The very recognition of Christ in the sacrament helps us to leave behind certain things namely the things that hinder us from going to Him, they can be physical or emotional challenges. They can be material or world things. As we leave behind like Mary we too get up and go to others in need.
The result of recognizing Christ in the sacrament leads us to others, because we find the image and likeness of God our father in each and every one of human being. As we help others, we find more of Christ’s love and kindness; His compassion and forgiveness overflowing everywhere. There will be a mutual recognition of Christ in us. As Mary went to Elizabeth; Elizabeth also found Christ in Mary. Thus we all begin to celebrate God in us.
As we help others, we then begin to pray more and do more spiritual practices. We begin to recognize our spiritual side and begin to thank God for everything. Yes, this third Sunday invites us to know that we belong to God alone. So as we are going to receive a special anointing for healing and reconciliation, let us thank God for sending His only Son Christ among us and let us thank Him for helping us to deepen our faith in Him each and every day in Christ our Lord. Amen.
Second Advent-C
Second Sunday in Advent-B
Good morning everyone, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we welcome the Lord our God in our hearts, we welcome Him to change our society a better place to live and every time we come to church we ask His blessing to help others to welcome the Lord into their lives.
Today’s Sunday is called John the Baptist Sunday, a Sunday of hope. It is not that easy to understand John the Baptist today. Even some two thousand years ago, people could not fully understand John. But few people comprehended what John meant when he said, “prepare the way of the Lord and make His paths straight”. Fewer people could even understand him when he said, “I am unworthy to untie his sandals” Thus John the Baptist invited people to repentance and baptism.
The question today is what was John about? And why did he do what he did?
John the Baptist is the very voice of Advent- the voice of the coming of the Lord to intervene in the relationship between God and ourselves. What he said was not merely a word about Jesus, it was the gospel, and it was the beginning of the Good News for the world.
The words of John still inspires those who want to walk with Jesus, who want to find their way out of the wilderness and into the promised land.
There is an old Chinese proverb tells us that a journey of a thousand miles must begin with one step. John came to point out what that step must be. He pointed out that the way of the Lord must be prepared, and that way is not simply a highway in the desert but rather it is a highway in our hearts.
There is a story about a man who went to a spiritual Master and said, “Master, I want to find happiness. In search of happiness, I studied the scriptures and visited all the holy places and did everything according to the commandment of God. But I could not find happiness, what should I do?” At this point, the master began to serve him tea. He poured the man’s cup full and then kept on pouring and pouring. Since the cup was full, tea began to run on the floor. The man then stopped the master and said, “My cup is full. Please stop pouring”. Then the master looked at him and said, “Like this cup, you are full of your own opinions and speculations. And how can I show the way unless you first empty your cup?’
How can we welcome Christ, how can we enter the Promised Land with Him, if we have no place in our hearts for Him?
John the Baptist came to prepare the place for Jesus the Lord.
The message of John the Baptist was, “Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins”. Repent: What does the word repent mean? Repent means to turn around, to change direction. It means to face a new way and have the courage to leave behind the old way.
And be baptized for the forgiveness of sins
Conclusion: As we celebrate the second Sunday in Advent, we are called to become John the Baptist, we are called to prepare the way of the lord helping others to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. It is our duty to help them to know the love and kindness of god and it is our duty to help them to know the real meaning of divine forgiveness. So as we celebrate advent, let us prepare the way to welcome Christ our saviour in our hearts. Amen.
Good morning everyone, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we welcome the Lord our God in our hearts, we welcome Him to change our society a better place to live and every time we come to church we ask His blessing to help others to welcome the Lord into their lives.
Today’s Sunday is called John the Baptist Sunday, a Sunday of hope. It is not that easy to understand John the Baptist today. Even some two thousand years ago, people could not fully understand John. But few people comprehended what John meant when he said, “prepare the way of the Lord and make His paths straight”. Fewer people could even understand him when he said, “I am unworthy to untie his sandals” Thus John the Baptist invited people to repentance and baptism.
The question today is what was John about? And why did he do what he did?
John the Baptist is the very voice of Advent- the voice of the coming of the Lord to intervene in the relationship between God and ourselves. What he said was not merely a word about Jesus, it was the gospel, and it was the beginning of the Good News for the world.
The words of John still inspires those who want to walk with Jesus, who want to find their way out of the wilderness and into the promised land.
There is an old Chinese proverb tells us that a journey of a thousand miles must begin with one step. John came to point out what that step must be. He pointed out that the way of the Lord must be prepared, and that way is not simply a highway in the desert but rather it is a highway in our hearts.
There is a story about a man who went to a spiritual Master and said, “Master, I want to find happiness. In search of happiness, I studied the scriptures and visited all the holy places and did everything according to the commandment of God. But I could not find happiness, what should I do?” At this point, the master began to serve him tea. He poured the man’s cup full and then kept on pouring and pouring. Since the cup was full, tea began to run on the floor. The man then stopped the master and said, “My cup is full. Please stop pouring”. Then the master looked at him and said, “Like this cup, you are full of your own opinions and speculations. And how can I show the way unless you first empty your cup?’
How can we welcome Christ, how can we enter the Promised Land with Him, if we have no place in our hearts for Him?
John the Baptist came to prepare the place for Jesus the Lord.
The message of John the Baptist was, “Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins”. Repent: What does the word repent mean? Repent means to turn around, to change direction. It means to face a new way and have the courage to leave behind the old way.
And be baptized for the forgiveness of sins
Conclusion: As we celebrate the second Sunday in Advent, we are called to become John the Baptist, we are called to prepare the way of the lord helping others to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. It is our duty to help them to know the love and kindness of god and it is our duty to help them to know the real meaning of divine forgiveness. So as we celebrate advent, let us prepare the way to welcome Christ our saviour in our hearts. Amen.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
First Advent-C
1st Sunday in Advent
Good morning every one, I am so happy to welcome you all for today’s Holy Mass. Dear friends, every time we come to Church, we recall the promise that God made to His people namely sending His Only Son to save us all and every time we come to Church, we recall the promise of Christ our Lord namely He would come again in an unexpected time and every time we come to Church we prepare ourselves to Welcome the Lord our God.
One day a priest was assigned to a new parish and when he got there, he learned that some of the people had alcohol challenge. They came to church drunk and he tried his best to help them but nothing happened. Then one day he showed to the people a clear glass with a piece of liver in it and then he said to them, “now I am going to pour some alcohol in it and you will see what is going to happen to the liver”. When people saw what was happening to the liver, they were all terrified. Then one man got up and said, “ Father, thank you for teaching a good lesion. On behalf of this community, I promise that we will never eat liver again”.
Today the Holy Catholic Church celebrates the first Sunday of Advent. Advent means “coming” and in this season, we prepare for the coming of Christ. One of the ways we prepare for His coming is by making an advent wreath and lighting its candles to remind us of the gifts Christ brings to the world.
The Advent wreath includes many symbols to help us think about Christ and His gifts. The wreath itself is in the shape of a circle. A circle has no end. This reminds us that there is no beginning and no end to God and that God’s love and caring are forever.
The light from the candles, which will grow stronger and stronger each Sunday in Advent, reminds us that Christ is the light of the world and He is coming to the world as His promised before His ascension into heaven.
Today’s we light the candle of hope. The people of Israel hoped in God’s promises and were not disappointed. Again and again, God delivered His chosen people from their enemies. We too in our every day life have the same experience. Though we go away from God, He protects us from bad and gives us life. This happens in Christ our Lord.
Last century, in 1947 a shepherd while looking for his lost sheep stumbled into a cave and found so many clay jars that contained information regarding the old Jewish community called the essence. They were spiritual people who separated themselves from Jerusalem into the wilderness in order to follow closely the commandments of the Lord. They were apocalyptic people. Yes, they focused on the final coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In order to welcome the Lord, they spent time in prayer and fasting. They were not living in fear but in joy because they prepared themselves well to welcome the Lord. They lived in community sharing with one another. Yes, they learned the importance of giving and forgiving.
As people of hope and apocalyptic people we are also asked to give and forgive others and thus prepare ourselves to welcome the Lord. The lord is coming so let us welcome Him with stretched out hands. He is coming to take us with Him so that where He our Master is there we will also be. So let us welcome Him with our preparation. Amen.
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