"When they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus."
And so the mystery begins to unravel. The women at the empty tomb are confused. "Who has
taken the body of their Lord?" And why would anyone do this? Where they have taken him? They are further confused by the angels' words:
Why do you seek the living one among the dead?
"When they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus."
And so the mystery begins to unravel. The women at the empty tomb are confused. "Who has
taken the body of their Lord?" And why would anyone do this? Where they have taken him? They are further confused by the angels' words:
Why do you seek the living one among the dead?
He is not here, but He has been raised.
Then the angels remind the women of what they already know:
Remember what He said to you while He was in Galilee,
Then the angels remind the women of what they already know:
Remember what He said to you while He was in Galilee,
that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners and be crucified,
and rise on the third day.Then they remembered everything and began to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Then the apostles and other followers went everywhere and proclaimed the Good News
to all.Today we are invited to remember the story of our salvation and the Good News that Jesus
Christ who was crucified is now risen. We are like the women standing in the tomb: we
remember, we believe and we celebrate our Christian heritage and identity.
1. Today we are in a special way called to remember that the Lord in whose name we were all
baptized is alive and is living among us. He is our God and we are His children.
Christ. Then the apostles and other followers went everywhere and proclaimed the Good News
to all.Today we are invited to remember the story of our salvation and the Good News that Jesus
Christ who was crucified is now risen. We are like the women standing in the tomb: we
remember, we believe and we celebrate our Christian heritage and identity.
1. Today we are in a special way called to remember that the Lord in whose name we were all
baptized is alive and is living among us. He is our God and we are His children.
2. And we are in a special way called to go everywhere and tell the Good News namely Jesus is
indeed risen and there is no more death for those who believe in His name.
indeed risen and there is no more death for those who believe in His name.
3. Today we are called to remember that death was destroyed by His death and life was brought back by His rising.
Let us celebrate life not today or tomorrow but everyday and let us celebrate the Risen Christ who is the Alpha and Omega, who is our beginning and end and who is our life and light. And let us always remember that we are also risen in Risen Christ. Amen.
Let us celebrate life not today or tomorrow but everyday and let us celebrate the Risen Christ who is the Alpha and Omega, who is our beginning and end and who is our life and light. And let us always remember that we are also risen in Risen Christ. Amen.